Well, what can I say apart from I'm a bit of a disgrace as far as the blogging goes. However, a week past Saturday I got weighed and I lost 6.5lbs which took me back down to just 0.5lb over what I was before I went on holiday. Excellent news eh?? Unfortunately though that weekend turned into a bit of a disaster (just as far as the diet goes mind ) I started eating and drinking again. Oh dear, so I didn't go on Saturday as I thought it was just a complete waste of time and money. So here I am again. Monday flipping morning and feeling crap. I intend to blog everyday as I find it really helps me to stay on track. After I am weighed on Saturday I will update my weight ticker so I know exactly where I am.
Since I last updated my blog we have officially moved house. We have moved not far from where we were which has worked out great as it means Elise has not had to leave her friends. The house is really nice and we are all settled in and it feels like we have been there for ages.
Had a really good weekend this weekend but really bad for the diet. Went to a wedding on Friday night in Blyth which was good then back to Emma and Lee's so was a bit of a late night. Went shopping on Saturday with Elise as she had money from the fairies to spend. It was quite comical as whenever she loses a tooth she leaves a little note for the fairies explaining that she would really like to keep the tooth (weird child) BUT if they still would like to leave her some money that was fine with her. So, Wednesday night off she goes to bed with her little note and her tooth under her pillow. When it was time for me and Dave to go to bed we both just thought the other one would have some money but as it happened neither of us did. Dave only had £10 so it was too late to go out to the bank so it looked like Leesco had scored. When she woke up she was over the moon with her tenner. I said it must be because she has had tooth ache lately and they must have felt sorry for her. Lol. So anyway we went up the street with her money and she decided to buy a mini fridge for her new bedroom which was reduced from £25 which was a bargain.
Saturday night I went to Whitley Bay with Cerrie, Claire and various other girlies. We had a great night and got home at quite a respectable time.
Yesterday (Sunday) we went to mam's for dinner, Elise wasn't there as she had gone to her dads to meet her new puppy. I think we are up to pet number 10 or something ridiculous like that. After dinner me and Dave went to Shades of Green but left pretty quick as it was full of Christmas stuff and Mr Muckle was disgusted. We then went home and watched Hannibal Rising, and then Employee of the month, neither were up to much to be honest.
So as I said today is Monday and I started my new job on the 1st September, so far so good and everything has gone fine. We are moving premises on 25th September to our new resource which is really exciting as it is a fabulous building. (Opposite Asda, the blue building if anyone is in Ashington.)
Anyway must get back to work as my dinner is over now. I may be back later if I start getting itchy fingers and working my way to the fridge.
Well I'm back but just for a little while. I am in the middle of watching LOST, most people have already seen it but me and Dave missed it when it was on TV. So, Dave went to Blockbusters today and hired part one of the first series. We are up to number 4 and are quite hooked. We have it for a week so 8 more to go this week. Been ok tonight. Feel a bit tetchy but I suppose it is to be expected. Anyway I should be used to it now, I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, if I just stuck to it I wouldn't have to keep going through the whole cold turkey thing. My cousin Claire informed me tonight that it was only 100 days to Christmas last Saturday, so that is my next focus point. To be thin for Christmas. (fingers crossed)
Monday, 17 September 2007
Monday, 30 July 2007
Day 1 of my new Start
Well here goes again. I didn't get weighed on Saturday so don't know if I have done any more damage. Had a really good weekend (not diet wise), just went over far too quickly. Went to mams for dinner yesterday and had lots of lovely things then me and Dave got a chinese last night. Oh dear.
So, I'm back on track and totally focused. I have a christening to go to on the 19th of August so that is my focus for the moment, so that is three weeks away and would like to lose at least 1/2 a stone by then. I have had my chocolate shake for breakfast and need to really try and get back into the habit of drinking more water. I have been terrible lately and not drinking nearly enough. I am going to try and drink at least 2 litres today. I am also going back to spinning this week, as I have said that for the last few weeks but haven't bothered my backside.
Just got in from work and been in the bath. I am finding it hard again, it is amazing how quick you get out of the habit. Just had my soup and it is only 7 o clock. I really need to keep busy to stop myself thinking about it. I know it is all in my head and it is only because I know I can't have anything. I know I can do it as I have done it before, I went in the kitchen before and was so tempted to go in the fridge but believe it or not it was my blog that stopped me as I know I couldn't bring myself to write if I was bad.
Anyway need to give myself a kick up the butt and get on with it. Just ordered Dave an ipod for his birthday next week (8th Aug) he knows though so it's not a big secret. The big 38 my goodness Dave not long until the big 40.
Oh by the way still haven't started my baby making tablets (clomid) yet as I am still waiting for my TOTM to arrive, so no news there.
The estate agent rang us today regarding the longer lease on the house we may be getting, the owner wants to know more about us like if we both worked full time etc so she was going to email the information to the owner then let us know. I
suppose that is a good sign as if they definitely wanted to just sell it they would have said straight away so fingers crossed.
Well I suppose I will go and read my book it is really good, another Nora Roberts book called Montana Sky (courtesy of Sheila once again)
Thought I would share this picture of a rainbow me and Elise saw the other night. It was lovely!
Oh slight problem though, because I took them portrait it won't let me change the way they appear on my blog even though I have rotated them and saved them, so you will just have to tilt your head to the right.

So, I'm back on track and totally focused. I have a christening to go to on the 19th of August so that is my focus for the moment, so that is three weeks away and would like to lose at least 1/2 a stone by then. I have had my chocolate shake for breakfast and need to really try and get back into the habit of drinking more water. I have been terrible lately and not drinking nearly enough. I am going to try and drink at least 2 litres today. I am also going back to spinning this week, as I have said that for the last few weeks but haven't bothered my backside.
Just got in from work and been in the bath. I am finding it hard again, it is amazing how quick you get out of the habit. Just had my soup and it is only 7 o clock. I really need to keep busy to stop myself thinking about it. I know it is all in my head and it is only because I know I can't have anything. I know I can do it as I have done it before, I went in the kitchen before and was so tempted to go in the fridge but believe it or not it was my blog that stopped me as I know I couldn't bring myself to write if I was bad.
Anyway need to give myself a kick up the butt and get on with it. Just ordered Dave an ipod for his birthday next week (8th Aug) he knows though so it's not a big secret. The big 38 my goodness Dave not long until the big 40.
Oh by the way still haven't started my baby making tablets (clomid) yet as I am still waiting for my TOTM to arrive, so no news there.
The estate agent rang us today regarding the longer lease on the house we may be getting, the owner wants to know more about us like if we both worked full time etc so she was going to email the information to the owner then let us know. I
suppose that is a good sign as if they definitely wanted to just sell it they would have said straight away so fingers crossed.
Well I suppose I will go and read my book it is really good, another Nora Roberts book called Montana Sky (courtesy of Sheila once again)
Thought I would share this picture of a rainbow me and Elise saw the other night. It was lovely!
Oh slight problem though, because I took them portrait it won't let me change the way they appear on my blog even though I have rotated them and saved them, so you will just have to tilt your head to the right.
Friday, 27 July 2007
I'm Back
I know it has been soooooooooo long since my last post, I have to say I had a fabulous holiday and was gutted to be home. Needless to say all of my good intentions went straight out of the window on holiday and I lasted on my shakes and bars for a grand total of 1 day. Lol. Hillarious I know. No will power. However, I ate drank and was merry and we all thoroughly enjoyed it.
Anyway since coming home I fully intended getting straight back on track, however I have to admit I have found this difficult. I went and got weighed last Saturday and I had only put on 1/2 a pound which this in itself is a miracle and should have been motivation enough to give me a kick and get back on track but no, I ended up going on a course this week (FSA Supervisor Training for new job) where lunch was provided so that went out of the window. I have vowed that from Monday I will be back on track and Sole Sourcing. Fingers Crossed.
Also since coming back from holiday we have had a bit of bad news well not bad really just a bit frustrating. We currently rent the house that we live in and when we came back there was a letter waiting for us to say that the owner of the property was selling the house and was giving us 2 months notice. Great eh. There is no way we can afford to buy a property at the moment unless we move into a shed, so we have decided to rent for now until we can save up a deposit. People think we are mad but at the end of the day we would rather live in a nice house even if we don't own it. So, moving on obviously me and Dave are now frantically house hunting. We have seen a lovely 3 storey town house in Widdrington(yes Widdrington) which I really like however we are trying to get in touch with the owner to see if they would do a long term let as we don't want to end up in this situation in 6 months time. This is the house.
We would ideally have liked to stay in Ashington for convenience for my work and Elise's school etc, but there is just nothing suitable. We have driven a few times to Widdrington and it only takes about 10 minutes. I have heard mixed reports about Widdrington, some people say it is a bit rough, where as others have said it is nice, but at the end of the day you are going to get parts of every place that aren't perfect. I mean come on we live in Ashington it's not got the best reputation either.
Today is Friday if you hadn't worked that out and I finish at 4.30 which is great, Dave and Elise are on there summer hols now which makes me very jealous but in some respects it is great as I have no house work to do for six weeks. Get in there.
Not much on this weekend Elise is going to her dad's tonight and me and Dave are just going to have a quiet night. Dave is going out with the boys tomorrow to the pub so I think I am going to see Claire (cousin) as don't think I can stand them lot coming in drunk.
I must also mention last weekend as it was Elise's sleepover for her birthday. She had a great time we had four very excited little girls. They eventually got to sleep at about 12 ish then I was woken up by excited chatter at about 5.45am. I couldn't belive it my daughter is not normally an early riser so I could have cried. Apart from the lack of sleep it went really well and they all seemed to enjoy themselves.
I have attatched some holiday photos, but I have to say not all of them as Dave did get a bit carried away with the camera(about 500 later).
Thanks Claire and Lisa for your comments I have to admit Lisa it was actually your comment that I read today that has spurred me on to start blogging again so thank you.

Anyway since coming home I fully intended getting straight back on track, however I have to admit I have found this difficult. I went and got weighed last Saturday and I had only put on 1/2 a pound which this in itself is a miracle and should have been motivation enough to give me a kick and get back on track but no, I ended up going on a course this week (FSA Supervisor Training for new job) where lunch was provided so that went out of the window. I have vowed that from Monday I will be back on track and Sole Sourcing. Fingers Crossed.
Also since coming back from holiday we have had a bit of bad news well not bad really just a bit frustrating. We currently rent the house that we live in and when we came back there was a letter waiting for us to say that the owner of the property was selling the house and was giving us 2 months notice. Great eh. There is no way we can afford to buy a property at the moment unless we move into a shed, so we have decided to rent for now until we can save up a deposit. People think we are mad but at the end of the day we would rather live in a nice house even if we don't own it. So, moving on obviously me and Dave are now frantically house hunting. We have seen a lovely 3 storey town house in Widdrington(yes Widdrington) which I really like however we are trying to get in touch with the owner to see if they would do a long term let as we don't want to end up in this situation in 6 months time. This is the house.

We would ideally have liked to stay in Ashington for convenience for my work and Elise's school etc, but there is just nothing suitable. We have driven a few times to Widdrington and it only takes about 10 minutes. I have heard mixed reports about Widdrington, some people say it is a bit rough, where as others have said it is nice, but at the end of the day you are going to get parts of every place that aren't perfect. I mean come on we live in Ashington it's not got the best reputation either.
Today is Friday if you hadn't worked that out and I finish at 4.30 which is great, Dave and Elise are on there summer hols now which makes me very jealous but in some respects it is great as I have no house work to do for six weeks. Get in there.
Not much on this weekend Elise is going to her dad's tonight and me and Dave are just going to have a quiet night. Dave is going out with the boys tomorrow to the pub so I think I am going to see Claire (cousin) as don't think I can stand them lot coming in drunk.
I must also mention last weekend as it was Elise's sleepover for her birthday. She had a great time we had four very excited little girls. They eventually got to sleep at about 12 ish then I was woken up by excited chatter at about 5.45am. I couldn't belive it my daughter is not normally an early riser so I could have cried. Apart from the lack of sleep it went really well and they all seemed to enjoy themselves.
I have attatched some holiday photos, but I have to say not all of them as Dave did get a bit carried away with the camera(about 500 later).
Thanks Claire and Lisa for your comments I have to admit Lisa it was actually your comment that I read today that has spurred me on to start blogging again so thank you.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Day 45
Well, just about all packed and ready to go. Most of our stuff is sorted just got last minute things to put in. Went for my waxing last night, which wasn't too painful. Last day at work today so you can guarantee it is going to drag. Wrapped all of Elise's presents last night so they are just to go in the case. Dave is off today (lucky thing) so he has got the last of our jobs to do.
Going to see my CDC tonight after work for my last weigh in so fingers crossed that I have lost another couple of pounds.
Elise stayed at her dads last night, apparently she is in the Journal today or tomorrow, her dad is opening a riding for the disabled yard therefore they were coming to take their picture.
Taking our cases to Mickey's mams tonight as we are getting the bus from there in the morning @ 5.45am. Then we are staying at Cerrie and Mickey's tonight so hopefully will only have my nails left to do.
Dave was having a look this morning and apparently there is Internet connection near our apartments so hopefully will still be able to keep up my blog whilst on holiday.
M x
Going to see my CDC tonight after work for my last weigh in so fingers crossed that I have lost another couple of pounds.
Elise stayed at her dads last night, apparently she is in the Journal today or tomorrow, her dad is opening a riding for the disabled yard therefore they were coming to take their picture.
Taking our cases to Mickey's mams tonight as we are getting the bus from there in the morning @ 5.45am. Then we are staying at Cerrie and Mickey's tonight so hopefully will only have my nails left to do.
Dave was having a look this morning and apparently there is Internet connection near our apartments so hopefully will still be able to keep up my blog whilst on holiday.
M x
Monday, 25 June 2007
Day 43
Well, what a weekend. Went and got weighed on Saturday morning and lost 2 1/2 pounds, so that is 18 pounds altogether whilst doing CD, but 2 stone 9lbs in total which I am totally chuffed with. Went for my hair done after that and I really like it, it is still the same style but a bit shorter but it is quite dark.
After the hairdressers we went to the Metro Centre, got totally sorted, got loads of clothes and stuff all really cheap, Primark and Matalan are great. Came home about tea time and ended up going to Whitley Bay with Claire, Claire, Cerrie, Lindsay, and Sarah, had a really good time. Me and Cerrie got a taxi home about 11 and met Dave in Bubbles woo hoo. After Bubbles we went back to Mark and Ginna's house, oh dear and ended up going home at 5am. Disgraceful I know.
Didn't get up until lunch time on Sunday which was lovely then went to mams for dinner, I had a small dinner with just chicken and veg which was fantastic. We then went to Asda in Blyth to get bits and pieces then we went to Blockbusters to get some dvd's. We watched Hot Fuzz last night which was ok, I think Dave enjoyed it more than me. I was in bed for nine o clock and fell straight asleep, think the night before caught up on me.
Am at work now and I think these next 3 days are going to be the longest in history. The mood is really low at work today, it is really sad as one of our work colleagues passed away on Wednesday and it is his funeral today, I have said I will stay behind and watch the phones, I know no one particularly likes funerals but I don't deal with them very well so I thought I would just stay back.
Going to pack tonight which is all really exciting. Only 2 more days at work woo hoo.
After the hairdressers we went to the Metro Centre, got totally sorted, got loads of clothes and stuff all really cheap, Primark and Matalan are great. Came home about tea time and ended up going to Whitley Bay with Claire, Claire, Cerrie, Lindsay, and Sarah, had a really good time. Me and Cerrie got a taxi home about 11 and met Dave in Bubbles woo hoo. After Bubbles we went back to Mark and Ginna's house, oh dear and ended up going home at 5am. Disgraceful I know.
Didn't get up until lunch time on Sunday which was lovely then went to mams for dinner, I had a small dinner with just chicken and veg which was fantastic. We then went to Asda in Blyth to get bits and pieces then we went to Blockbusters to get some dvd's. We watched Hot Fuzz last night which was ok, I think Dave enjoyed it more than me. I was in bed for nine o clock and fell straight asleep, think the night before caught up on me.
Am at work now and I think these next 3 days are going to be the longest in history. The mood is really low at work today, it is really sad as one of our work colleagues passed away on Wednesday and it is his funeral today, I have said I will stay behind and watch the phones, I know no one particularly likes funerals but I don't deal with them very well so I thought I would just stay back.
Going to pack tonight which is all really exciting. Only 2 more days at work woo hoo.
Friday, 22 June 2007
Day 40
Well it's Friday at last. Thank the Lord. To be honest this week has gone by quite quickly considering we are on countdown. Ooh and some exciting news in the Muckle household, I now have a washing line, good old dad came round after work and put it up, can't wait to get some washing on there. THANKS DAD. My god I lead a sad life getting excited over a washing line, but come on it is retractable.
Been really busy, last night took Elise swimming and she was great. Then Cerrie and Mickey came over and stayed, I got all of my holiday clothes out and to be honest there isn't a lot else that I need. It feels great to be trying on clothes and not feeling quite as fat. However, mind the whole bikini thing, not a good look. Since having Elise I have got a kangaroos pouch that I just can't get rid of. I would love a tummy tuck, but apart from the cost I shouldn't really be thinking of this until after (hopefully) we have another baby. Elise was funny the other night. We were talking about babys and she said in a very shocked voice, My God mam, if you have another baby can you imagine how many MORE of those lines (stretch marks)you are going to have on your tummy. (Hmmm what a lovely daughter I have).
Anyway, going to go home tonight and blitz the house ready for the weekend, then going for my weigh in tomorrow morning then off for my hair done at 12. After this Elise will be going to her dads so me and Dave are going to go and finish the rest of our shopping,only need a few more bits and pieces then need to get the rest of Elise's birthday presents. So far we have gotten her some puppy in your pockets, she wants a new flat screen telly for her bedroom which we will have to order, she is getting some lacoste trainers from marma, Aunty Cerrie has bought her the mario game for her DS, and I think we are getting her a pink music system for her room.
Don't know what we will do tomorrow night, we may well be shattered after a day of me dragging Dave around the Metro Centre.
Went shopping for the rest of Elise's holiday clothes yesterday I got her loads of things, they are all gorgeous but were really cheap, Ethel Austin is great. My cousin Claire came with me and bought her a pair of leggings and a big girls top with a belt. (Claire she adored it, she thinks she is the bees knees). She was so engrossed yesterday I said to her, "you will have to thank Claire when you see her" and she turned round and said ooh thanks, I said, she's not here you loon. V Excited little girl.
Work is going fine, I start my first lot of training on the 24 July, this will be FSA Supervisor training, so looking forward to that. I meet with our area Manager for trading on Tuesday so that should be interesting also.
Well Done Aunty Pat and Claire on your weight losses this week, we are unfortunately all in the same flipping boat, but we just have to keep plugging away. Also I thought I would give my big (not in the size sense) Cerrie a little mention as she has done fantastically well also and has lost I think over a stone, and I think her little sis has been stealing the lime light a little with my very dramatic diet. So well done Cerrie also.
Just been outside for a ciggie and it is glorious. Just getting me in the mood for my hols. Going to go for a sunbed tonight. Only 3 more working days. Whooppee!!
Been really busy, last night took Elise swimming and she was great. Then Cerrie and Mickey came over and stayed, I got all of my holiday clothes out and to be honest there isn't a lot else that I need. It feels great to be trying on clothes and not feeling quite as fat. However, mind the whole bikini thing, not a good look. Since having Elise I have got a kangaroos pouch that I just can't get rid of. I would love a tummy tuck, but apart from the cost I shouldn't really be thinking of this until after (hopefully) we have another baby. Elise was funny the other night. We were talking about babys and she said in a very shocked voice, My God mam, if you have another baby can you imagine how many MORE of those lines (stretch marks)you are going to have on your tummy. (Hmmm what a lovely daughter I have).
Anyway, going to go home tonight and blitz the house ready for the weekend, then going for my weigh in tomorrow morning then off for my hair done at 12. After this Elise will be going to her dads so me and Dave are going to go and finish the rest of our shopping,only need a few more bits and pieces then need to get the rest of Elise's birthday presents. So far we have gotten her some puppy in your pockets, she wants a new flat screen telly for her bedroom which we will have to order, she is getting some lacoste trainers from marma, Aunty Cerrie has bought her the mario game for her DS, and I think we are getting her a pink music system for her room.
Don't know what we will do tomorrow night, we may well be shattered after a day of me dragging Dave around the Metro Centre.
Went shopping for the rest of Elise's holiday clothes yesterday I got her loads of things, they are all gorgeous but were really cheap, Ethel Austin is great. My cousin Claire came with me and bought her a pair of leggings and a big girls top with a belt. (Claire she adored it, she thinks she is the bees knees). She was so engrossed yesterday I said to her, "you will have to thank Claire when you see her" and she turned round and said ooh thanks, I said, she's not here you loon. V Excited little girl.
Work is going fine, I start my first lot of training on the 24 July, this will be FSA Supervisor training, so looking forward to that. I meet with our area Manager for trading on Tuesday so that should be interesting also.
Well Done Aunty Pat and Claire on your weight losses this week, we are unfortunately all in the same flipping boat, but we just have to keep plugging away. Also I thought I would give my big (not in the size sense) Cerrie a little mention as she has done fantastically well also and has lost I think over a stone, and I think her little sis has been stealing the lime light a little with my very dramatic diet. So well done Cerrie also.
Just been outside for a ciggie and it is glorious. Just getting me in the mood for my hols. Going to go for a sunbed tonight. Only 3 more working days. Whooppee!!
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Day 38
Well I can still walk today which is a good sign, because after muscle mix last night I had serious doubts.
Had a meeting at work today and it is good news I have a new job, well I will have from the 1st of September. My new job title will be Support Services Officer. This will be more money and obviously more responsibility. It will involve lots of training and I will become the FSA Supervisor therefore overseeing the Trading and Insurance Services. I am really looking forward to the challenge however I am a little apprehensive. It has come at a good time really as we are moving into our new resource centre in September so all change on the work front.
Work has flown over today which is good and only 8 days to go, well only 5 more work days. Going spinning tonight then going to go for a sunbed. I started packing Elise's case last night, she is going to need a whole suitcase to herself. Oops.
Just heard Lola has had her stitches taken out and has been given some more antibiotics. The vet has said that she will always have problems with her lungs due to the infection, bless her, but we will just have to keep an eye on her. She is going to stay with Sheila now until we get back from our holidays, we thought it would probably be best rather than dragging her up and down again.
Had a meeting at work today and it is good news I have a new job, well I will have from the 1st of September. My new job title will be Support Services Officer. This will be more money and obviously more responsibility. It will involve lots of training and I will become the FSA Supervisor therefore overseeing the Trading and Insurance Services. I am really looking forward to the challenge however I am a little apprehensive. It has come at a good time really as we are moving into our new resource centre in September so all change on the work front.
Work has flown over today which is good and only 8 days to go, well only 5 more work days. Going spinning tonight then going to go for a sunbed. I started packing Elise's case last night, she is going to need a whole suitcase to herself. Oops.
Just heard Lola has had her stitches taken out and has been given some more antibiotics. The vet has said that she will always have problems with her lungs due to the infection, bless her, but we will just have to keep an eye on her. She is going to stay with Sheila now until we get back from our holidays, we thought it would probably be best rather than dragging her up and down again.
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Day 37
Went for a sunbed last night. Me and Dave have booked 60 minutes each for our holidays. I am so white as I haven't seen any sun whatsoever for over two years and no sunbeds in this time. I just want to get a little bit of colour so I don't frazzle while I am away.
Got in and watched heroes in bed which was great. If you haven't watched it while it has been on sci fi channel, get it when it moves to another channel or comes out on dvd.
Just checked the temperature in Lanzarote and it is 27 degrees. Whoopee.
Going to Muscle Mix tonight as I am not at college so thought I would put my time to good use. I am sure I will be in a lot of pain tomorrow but hey ho. Lola is getting picked up tonight at 7pm and Sheila is taking her back up to hers for her stitches out. Poor little mite she will be thinking where am I going now.
Just spoken to Cerrie, and Mickey's exhaust fell off this morning on the way to take the kids to school. Nightmare. What is it with exhausts at the moment?
Feeling really good again regarding the diet, I have had no problems getting back into sole sourcing which is good as I was a little worried. After I see my CDC on Saturday I will go back on Wednesday for my last weigh in before my hols and sort out my packs for going away. I have decided that I will have packs for breakfast and dinner then have one meal in the evening. I have vowed that I will stick to just chicken and veg or salad for the majority of the fortnight, however I have promised myself three treats. One being an Indians, another a pizza and another a burger. I don't really know why a burger as I have never really been fussed but I just think it must be all of the bbq's I have been to recently that is making me crave one.
Elise is going to her dad's tonight straight from school as she is going to her other cousin (Kyle's) 2nd birthday party, so that should be fun. Then tomorrow she is going to Kirkley Hall with the school as she has been picked to take part in an Activate Sports Partnership Presentation at their annual conference. Don't really know what that is all about but I am sure she will fill me in.
Into single figures now, only 9 days to go! Whooppee!!
Got in and watched heroes in bed which was great. If you haven't watched it while it has been on sci fi channel, get it when it moves to another channel or comes out on dvd.
Just checked the temperature in Lanzarote and it is 27 degrees. Whoopee.
Going to Muscle Mix tonight as I am not at college so thought I would put my time to good use. I am sure I will be in a lot of pain tomorrow but hey ho. Lola is getting picked up tonight at 7pm and Sheila is taking her back up to hers for her stitches out. Poor little mite she will be thinking where am I going now.
Just spoken to Cerrie, and Mickey's exhaust fell off this morning on the way to take the kids to school. Nightmare. What is it with exhausts at the moment?
Feeling really good again regarding the diet, I have had no problems getting back into sole sourcing which is good as I was a little worried. After I see my CDC on Saturday I will go back on Wednesday for my last weigh in before my hols and sort out my packs for going away. I have decided that I will have packs for breakfast and dinner then have one meal in the evening. I have vowed that I will stick to just chicken and veg or salad for the majority of the fortnight, however I have promised myself three treats. One being an Indians, another a pizza and another a burger. I don't really know why a burger as I have never really been fussed but I just think it must be all of the bbq's I have been to recently that is making me crave one.
Elise is going to her dad's tonight straight from school as she is going to her other cousin (Kyle's) 2nd birthday party, so that should be fun. Then tomorrow she is going to Kirkley Hall with the school as she has been picked to take part in an Activate Sports Partnership Presentation at their annual conference. Don't really know what that is all about but I am sure she will fill me in.
Into single figures now, only 9 days to go! Whooppee!!
Monday, 18 June 2007
Day 36
Well, once again not managed to post over the weekend, however this time I do have a genuine reason. Dave's mac has been away to the mac doctors. It has been like chopping his arms off.
Got weighed on Saturday morning and have lost another 3 and a half pounds, which I was really pleased with considering I have done add a meal week and have my period.
Went back to the doctors on Friday following my scan on Monday and he has given me some tablets (Clomid) which should hopefully make me ovulate. I have to start taking them next month as I will be on holiday this month when I should have gone back to the docs, so when I get my next period I have to start taking them for 5 days, I then need to (do the deed) 14 days after that, then go back to the doctors 21 days after this. I will then have some tests done which will determin whether the tablets have worked. If they have that is great and in his words I just need to go off and get pregnant, however if they haven't they will look at either increasing the dosage or trying another treatment, so fingers crossed and we shall wait and see.
After I got weighed on Saturday Elise went off to her dads and me and Dave had a lazy day in the house, it was lovely. Saturday night we were supposed to be going to watch Tony playing in his band but unfortunately they were cancelled. We did however still go to Ashington with my cousin Claire, and her finace Chris and my sis Cerrie. We ended up having a really good night and not getting in until about 1.30am. Have to admit had a few too many. Had a great nights sleep though and lay in until 1pm. Couldn't believe the time. It was lovely. Went to mam and dads for dinner it being fathers day and all, and I had a very small dinner which was fabulous. It was great being able to sit and eat with everyone. My last day on add a meal so back to sole sourcing next week. After dinner me and Dave went and did a little bit of holiday shopping got some clothes for me (size smaller) and Elise so getting really excited. Went and bought Elise some birthday presents too as need to get sorted for that.
When we got home I did the front garden while Dave cleaned the car inside and out, so quite a productive afternoon really.
Back to work today and have made a deal with myself that I will drink at least four litres of water every day this week as it has definitely slipped this weekend. Had a strawberry shake for breakfast and have chicken and mushroom soup for dinner. Going to get my eyebrows waxed straight from work, I am going with Joanne from work to try a new girl out in Newbiggin. She has just started doing it from home so she is quite cheap so we thought we would give her a go.
Only 10 days to go. Whooppee.
Got weighed on Saturday morning and have lost another 3 and a half pounds, which I was really pleased with considering I have done add a meal week and have my period.
Went back to the doctors on Friday following my scan on Monday and he has given me some tablets (Clomid) which should hopefully make me ovulate. I have to start taking them next month as I will be on holiday this month when I should have gone back to the docs, so when I get my next period I have to start taking them for 5 days, I then need to (do the deed) 14 days after that, then go back to the doctors 21 days after this. I will then have some tests done which will determin whether the tablets have worked. If they have that is great and in his words I just need to go off and get pregnant, however if they haven't they will look at either increasing the dosage or trying another treatment, so fingers crossed and we shall wait and see.
After I got weighed on Saturday Elise went off to her dads and me and Dave had a lazy day in the house, it was lovely. Saturday night we were supposed to be going to watch Tony playing in his band but unfortunately they were cancelled. We did however still go to Ashington with my cousin Claire, and her finace Chris and my sis Cerrie. We ended up having a really good night and not getting in until about 1.30am. Have to admit had a few too many. Had a great nights sleep though and lay in until 1pm. Couldn't believe the time. It was lovely. Went to mam and dads for dinner it being fathers day and all, and I had a very small dinner which was fabulous. It was great being able to sit and eat with everyone. My last day on add a meal so back to sole sourcing next week. After dinner me and Dave went and did a little bit of holiday shopping got some clothes for me (size smaller) and Elise so getting really excited. Went and bought Elise some birthday presents too as need to get sorted for that.
When we got home I did the front garden while Dave cleaned the car inside and out, so quite a productive afternoon really.
Back to work today and have made a deal with myself that I will drink at least four litres of water every day this week as it has definitely slipped this weekend. Had a strawberry shake for breakfast and have chicken and mushroom soup for dinner. Going to get my eyebrows waxed straight from work, I am going with Joanne from work to try a new girl out in Newbiggin. She has just started doing it from home so she is quite cheap so we thought we would give her a go.
Only 10 days to go. Whooppee.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Day 32
What a flipping day. Dave rang me this morning to tell me that the exhaust had fallen off the car, great, so my boss said that I could borrow hers to go and pick him up and take him to school. So, off I went to get him from home. I nipped in to go to the loo and when we got back in the car the car wouldn't start. I couldn't believe it. It's bad enough your own car not working but when it is someone elses, it is even worse. I ended up having to get someone else from work to come and pick Dave up whilst I waited for roadside recovery. What a disaster, and to top it all off I turned up today. Great.
On a lighter note, feeling in a good mood, and diet going really well. Got in from work tonight and saw my cousin Claire which was nice as haven't seen her since her hols. She looks fantastic, still doing great on her diet (nearly 3 stone lost) and really brown (v jealous). Thursday night again means swimming for Elise so off we went to the Leisure Centre. Fun, fun. Rachael and Jodie have been round as they are going on holiday on Monday so Rachael wanted to borrow some clothes.
Cerrie and Mickey are staying tonight as the saga continues with the car and Dave is borrowing Cerrie's car tomorrow and dropping her off at work. Marma is having to pick me and the kids up.
I have had 70g of quorn, 1tbs of lettuce and 1tbs of cucumber for tea, which was really nice. Me and Cerrie have been trying holiday clothes on tonight which was quite exciting apart from the fact that most of the clothes were size 12's my god it just shows me how far I still have to go, which in a way is a good thing because a lot of the clothes I am wearing at the moment are too big which makes you feel really good and comfortable, however as soon as you put something on that is too tight you feel totally different.
Going to Cerrie and Mickey's tomorrow night and Jugs (aka Jugsy, Jo, Joanna) is coming over then Saturday the car is getting fixed and Saturday night me and Dave are going to Bubbles to see Tony (my friend from works son) play in his band. Also another thing I have vowed to do for the last god knows how many weeks is weed the front of the house. (Sheila you would be disgusted). Anyway, looking forward to another weekend, it is amazing how fast they are coming around.
I have attached a few pictures of little Lola and the kids in their swimming gear. Oh and a nice one of Lola’s stitches. Lol

On a lighter note, feeling in a good mood, and diet going really well. Got in from work tonight and saw my cousin Claire which was nice as haven't seen her since her hols. She looks fantastic, still doing great on her diet (nearly 3 stone lost) and really brown (v jealous). Thursday night again means swimming for Elise so off we went to the Leisure Centre. Fun, fun. Rachael and Jodie have been round as they are going on holiday on Monday so Rachael wanted to borrow some clothes.
Cerrie and Mickey are staying tonight as the saga continues with the car and Dave is borrowing Cerrie's car tomorrow and dropping her off at work. Marma is having to pick me and the kids up.
I have had 70g of quorn, 1tbs of lettuce and 1tbs of cucumber for tea, which was really nice. Me and Cerrie have been trying holiday clothes on tonight which was quite exciting apart from the fact that most of the clothes were size 12's my god it just shows me how far I still have to go, which in a way is a good thing because a lot of the clothes I am wearing at the moment are too big which makes you feel really good and comfortable, however as soon as you put something on that is too tight you feel totally different.
Going to Cerrie and Mickey's tomorrow night and Jugs (aka Jugsy, Jo, Joanna) is coming over then Saturday the car is getting fixed and Saturday night me and Dave are going to Bubbles to see Tony (my friend from works son) play in his band. Also another thing I have vowed to do for the last god knows how many weeks is weed the front of the house. (Sheila you would be disgusted). Anyway, looking forward to another weekend, it is amazing how fast they are coming around.
I have attached a few pictures of little Lola and the kids in their swimming gear. Oh and a nice one of Lola’s stitches. Lol

Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Day 31
Well Lola is home. Bless her little heart, it is so lovely having her back. She is back to her normal self mooching around the place. My goodness what is going on with the weather it is horrendous. Went to bed early last night as I did end up getting away early from college it was lovely, watched Big Bro in bed. I have to say I hate Charley. She is an absolute moron. However I can sympathise with the cigarette situation. Woke up this morning and Lola was sitting in our on suite sink looking at me it was hilarious.
Don't know if I mentioned my scan but I went for my scan (ovary scan) on Monday. It went fine and I go back on Friday morning to find out the results so at least we are getting somewhere. It is quite daunting actually the fact that we are in the process of getting pregnant (hopefully) where as if you try and it just happens even though it is planned it is kind of different where I feel this is more definite as they will give me something to make me ovulate therefore the chances are likely to be higher. I sometimes think my god am I mad. Elise is so self sufficient and grown up and the thought of doing it all again is frightening, however on the other hand I want nothing more.
Seeing as it was our 2nd anniversary on Sunday I thought I would post some pictures of our big day. I am really starting to see a difference when I look back at pictures and in a way I really wish I had done this diet before I got married but then again regardless of my weight it was the most perfect day of my life so I am just grateful of that. I keep saying to my dad that I want to do it again, (with Dave of course) can't understand why but he isn't up for it. Hmmm, may have something to do with the cost. Lol.
Been spinning tonight it was great, really enjoyed it even though the woman is evil and really fit. Had my shake, soup and bar today then had 2oz chicken and 2 tablespoons of broccoli when I got in. It feels great to be able to eat. I have been having it on a tea plate and I think in the future I should always eat off a smaller plate even when I am not on the diet as it definitely helps. Particularly considering the size of our dinner plates, they are like wheel trims.
Oh by the way as you may have noticed I have changed my blog template however it comes out a bit funny on Dave's mac but fine at work so if any one is seeing it a bit higgledy piggledy let me know.
Thank you everyone for your comments they are really keeping me going.

M x
Don't know if I mentioned my scan but I went for my scan (ovary scan) on Monday. It went fine and I go back on Friday morning to find out the results so at least we are getting somewhere. It is quite daunting actually the fact that we are in the process of getting pregnant (hopefully) where as if you try and it just happens even though it is planned it is kind of different where I feel this is more definite as they will give me something to make me ovulate therefore the chances are likely to be higher. I sometimes think my god am I mad. Elise is so self sufficient and grown up and the thought of doing it all again is frightening, however on the other hand I want nothing more.
Seeing as it was our 2nd anniversary on Sunday I thought I would post some pictures of our big day. I am really starting to see a difference when I look back at pictures and in a way I really wish I had done this diet before I got married but then again regardless of my weight it was the most perfect day of my life so I am just grateful of that. I keep saying to my dad that I want to do it again, (with Dave of course) can't understand why but he isn't up for it. Hmmm, may have something to do with the cost. Lol.
Been spinning tonight it was great, really enjoyed it even though the woman is evil and really fit. Had my shake, soup and bar today then had 2oz chicken and 2 tablespoons of broccoli when I got in. It feels great to be able to eat. I have been having it on a tea plate and I think in the future I should always eat off a smaller plate even when I am not on the diet as it definitely helps. Particularly considering the size of our dinner plates, they are like wheel trims.
Oh by the way as you may have noticed I have changed my blog template however it comes out a bit funny on Dave's mac but fine at work so if any one is seeing it a bit higgledy piggledy let me know.
Thank you everyone for your comments they are really keeping me going.
M x
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Day 30
Haven't updated my blog for a while and just don't know where the time has gone. Got weighed on Saturday and lost another 4.8lbs. Was pleased with that so that gives me a grand total of 13.8lbs since starting CD. Spoke to my CDC about the add a meal week and she said I should definitely do it even if it is just for a couple of the nights. Last night I had 50g chicken and two table spoons of broccoli. It was bizarre.
Lola is coming home today. She had her operation yesterday and is fine. She will stay with us for 10 days before she has to go back and have her stitches out. Can't wait to see her we have all really missed her.
Got college tonight. Have had my last exam so it is all course work from now so hopefully shouldn't be there too long.
M x
Lola is coming home today. She had her operation yesterday and is fine. She will stay with us for 10 days before she has to go back and have her stitches out. Can't wait to see her we have all really missed her.
Got college tonight. Have had my last exam so it is all course work from now so hopefully shouldn't be there too long.
M x
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Day 25
Went spinning last night which was really hard work. The girl taking the class was relentless but I have to admit I felt great when I had finished. Had quite a quiet day at work which has made the day drag.
It was Elise's swimming night tonight and she has received her first reward yeah hey, she got her first badge and a certificate. She is doing really well, she only has two more lessons left until our holiday so fingers crossed she should be swimming great by then.
Had strawberry shake for breakfast which I now love and is my favourite then had a malt toffee bar for dinner which was ok. I am back to not being hungry at all and it is bothering me less and less not eating, I think the only time that it gets to me is when it is a social occasion but I keep telling myself that however bad I feel for the hour or so is no where near as bad as I would feel if I had something to eat. Next week is add a meal week which consists of me having one meal a day as well as my two shakes. This will be 3oz chicken and two table spoons of green veg. I am feeling a bit apprehensive actually what with my holidays being so close and also I am sure it will feel weird eating again after 4 weeks, I just hope I will be able to get straight back to Sole Sourcing (no food) the week after. Apparently the amount I will be eating will not knock me out of ketosis though so fingers crossed.
Thanks Aunty P and Alan for your comments. I am trying to sort out a ticker for my blog and promise I will sort some photos out.
Watching Big Bro at the moment. It is mental. Naughty Emily eh. Idiots.
Friday tomorrow whoppee
Night night
M x
It was Elise's swimming night tonight and she has received her first reward yeah hey, she got her first badge and a certificate. She is doing really well, she only has two more lessons left until our holiday so fingers crossed she should be swimming great by then.
Had strawberry shake for breakfast which I now love and is my favourite then had a malt toffee bar for dinner which was ok. I am back to not being hungry at all and it is bothering me less and less not eating, I think the only time that it gets to me is when it is a social occasion but I keep telling myself that however bad I feel for the hour or so is no where near as bad as I would feel if I had something to eat. Next week is add a meal week which consists of me having one meal a day as well as my two shakes. This will be 3oz chicken and two table spoons of green veg. I am feeling a bit apprehensive actually what with my holidays being so close and also I am sure it will feel weird eating again after 4 weeks, I just hope I will be able to get straight back to Sole Sourcing (no food) the week after. Apparently the amount I will be eating will not knock me out of ketosis though so fingers crossed.
Thanks Aunty P and Alan for your comments. I am trying to sort out a ticker for my blog and promise I will sort some photos out.
Watching Big Bro at the moment. It is mental. Naughty Emily eh. Idiots.
Friday tomorrow whoppee
Night night
M x
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Day 23 (Happy Birthday Dad)
Today has been quite a good day however I have felt quite hungry for some reason. Don't know why as I am still in ketosis and still haven't eaten a thing. I don't know whether it is just mental hunger but I feel like my stomach has definitely been rumbling. Anyway haven't fallen off the wagon.
I have officially taken off my wedding ring. No me and Dave aren't splitting up my wedding ring is too big. I lost it last night, it has been loose for the last week or so but I kind of put it down to my hands being cold all of the time. Anyway, last night when I was finishing my jigsaw (whoppee) I noticed that it wasn't on my finger. I was frantic. After a few minutes of running around the house like a looney and shouting for Dave to come and help me look, I found it. However I found it in the most bizarre place, in my bra. I have no idea how the heck it got there the only thing I can think was that I had an itch. Hmmm. So, panic over I found it. I have decided to take it off so it is sitting on top of the piano until I decide whether to have it re sized or get a new one. I have replaced it with my engagement ring though which was too tight yey.
Went to the Block and Tackle tonight before college as it is my dads birthday today. I left Dave and Elise there to have their tea whilst I went off to have my final exam, I am so pleased it is nearly finished only 6 weeks of course work left then I am free on a Tuesday night. Got finished quite early so went back to pick Dave and Elise up, just in time for pudding. Great. Had a black coffee while I waited which was nice. Elise ended up asking if she could stay at Liams tonight and after much pleading off she went.
Just watched CrimeWatch which was awful and now going to watch Big Bro, mind it is so irritating you just have to keep watching. I hate most of them already.
And here it is the finished product. Ta Da. The Jigsaw.
M x
I have officially taken off my wedding ring. No me and Dave aren't splitting up my wedding ring is too big. I lost it last night, it has been loose for the last week or so but I kind of put it down to my hands being cold all of the time. Anyway, last night when I was finishing my jigsaw (whoppee) I noticed that it wasn't on my finger. I was frantic. After a few minutes of running around the house like a looney and shouting for Dave to come and help me look, I found it. However I found it in the most bizarre place, in my bra. I have no idea how the heck it got there the only thing I can think was that I had an itch. Hmmm. So, panic over I found it. I have decided to take it off so it is sitting on top of the piano until I decide whether to have it re sized or get a new one. I have replaced it with my engagement ring though which was too tight yey.
Went to the Block and Tackle tonight before college as it is my dads birthday today. I left Dave and Elise there to have their tea whilst I went off to have my final exam, I am so pleased it is nearly finished only 6 weeks of course work left then I am free on a Tuesday night. Got finished quite early so went back to pick Dave and Elise up, just in time for pudding. Great. Had a black coffee while I waited which was nice. Elise ended up asking if she could stay at Liams tonight and after much pleading off she went.
Just watched CrimeWatch which was awful and now going to watch Big Bro, mind it is so irritating you just have to keep watching. I hate most of them already.
And here it is the finished product. Ta Da. The Jigsaw.
M x
Monday, 4 June 2007
Day 22
My goodness, I have no idea where the weekend has gone, it has absolutely flown. Well, I got weighed on Saturday and lost 4lbs, I was pleased with that and feel like it is finally paying off so that is a total of 9lbs. I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping then I went to a wedding on Saturday night with Cerrie as Dave had all the boys down from Wooler. We met up with them later on and ended up staying out until after 2am.
Mam had a BBQ for dinner on Sunday which looked absolutely fab, still haven't given in to temptation though. Watched The Prestige on dvd last night, I thought it was ok, a little slow, but Dave enjoyed it. For some reason I was really hungry last night, I think it was probably just as it was Sunday and not much happening.
So, back at work today Dave is picking me up for my dinner and we are going up the street. Going to go swimming tonight straight from work as I haven't done any exercise for ages. It's my dads birthday on Tuesday and we are supposed to be going for a meal which would have been hard but I have to go to college as it happens so will have to miss it, Dave is still going to take Elise though.
Going to make Dave's tea tonight he never expects it but I actually quite miss cooking. Even though it is only Monday I can't help thinking about the weekend. We are going to my cousin Emma's barbecue on Saturday afernoon / night, which is another little hurdle, and also it is our wedding anniversary on Sunday and we would have been going away back to Longhirst Hall where we got married, but I told Dave not to book it as I think it would be too much temptation to eat and drink. So, don't know what we are going to do on Sunday yet.
Dave spoke to his mam this morning and she has had Lola back to the vets, the vet has said that she is definitely loads better and she would like her to carry on taking the anti biotics for another 5 days and then hopefully she should be able to have her operation after that. It is weird not having her at home, we really miss her.
Just been thinking only 23 days until our holiday and I have been on the CD for 22 days wow, it has totally flown.
Mam had a BBQ for dinner on Sunday which looked absolutely fab, still haven't given in to temptation though. Watched The Prestige on dvd last night, I thought it was ok, a little slow, but Dave enjoyed it. For some reason I was really hungry last night, I think it was probably just as it was Sunday and not much happening.
So, back at work today Dave is picking me up for my dinner and we are going up the street. Going to go swimming tonight straight from work as I haven't done any exercise for ages. It's my dads birthday on Tuesday and we are supposed to be going for a meal which would have been hard but I have to go to college as it happens so will have to miss it, Dave is still going to take Elise though.
Going to make Dave's tea tonight he never expects it but I actually quite miss cooking. Even though it is only Monday I can't help thinking about the weekend. We are going to my cousin Emma's barbecue on Saturday afernoon / night, which is another little hurdle, and also it is our wedding anniversary on Sunday and we would have been going away back to Longhirst Hall where we got married, but I told Dave not to book it as I think it would be too much temptation to eat and drink. So, don't know what we are going to do on Sunday yet.
Dave spoke to his mam this morning and she has had Lola back to the vets, the vet has said that she is definitely loads better and she would like her to carry on taking the anti biotics for another 5 days and then hopefully she should be able to have her operation after that. It is weird not having her at home, we really miss her.
Just been thinking only 23 days until our holiday and I have been on the CD for 22 days wow, it has totally flown.
Friday, 1 June 2007
Day 19
What a lovely day it is today, I am currently looking out of the window from my office at work and it looks so lovely and sunny. I left Dave this morning with Elise and her friend Robyn having lots of fun. Dave is going to do the garden which will be a good job done then our Liam is going over to join them, I am sure they will keep him very busy today.
Feeling like I have lost weight today, saying that it is weigh day tomorrow so I should shut up as god knows what the scales will say but will try not to be disappointed as I can definitely tell my clothes are a lot looser.
Not got much planned for this weekend think we are going to the pub for a couple tonight with Mickey, Cerrie, Emma and Lee then back to Cerrie and Mickeys house to watch Big Bro. As I said I get weighed tomorrow at 11ish then we will be dropping Elise off at the farm so might have a meander round Morpeth.
Thought I'd post another picture from camping.
Feeling like I have lost weight today, saying that it is weigh day tomorrow so I should shut up as god knows what the scales will say but will try not to be disappointed as I can definitely tell my clothes are a lot looser.
Not got much planned for this weekend think we are going to the pub for a couple tonight with Mickey, Cerrie, Emma and Lee then back to Cerrie and Mickeys house to watch Big Bro. As I said I get weighed tomorrow at 11ish then we will be dropping Elise off at the farm so might have a meander round Morpeth.
Thought I'd post another picture from camping.

Thursday, 31 May 2007
Day 18
Just thought I would share this random email I got today:
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Smoking Aces
4. What is your favourite TV show?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What is your favourite cuisine?
Indians (God if only)
7. What is your middle name?
Don't have one
8. What food do you dislike?
9. What is your favourite CD at the moment?
10. What kind of car do you drive?
11. Favourite sandwich?
Cajun chicken and Salad
12. What characteristic do you despise?
False people
13. Favourite item of clothing?
Hmmm, my blue nightie. ( v old )
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be
and with who?
Anywhere exotic with Orlando Bloom (sorry Dave and Elise)
15. What colour is your bathroom?
White with red accessories
16. Favourite brand of clothing?
Not really into labels
17. Where would you retire to?
Anywhere hot
18. What was your most memorable birthday?
19. Favourite sport to watch?
Ice Skating
20. When is your birthday?
5th September
21. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night time definitely
22. What is your shoe size?
23. Pets:
1 Cat (Lola)
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
Going on holiday 4 weeks today. (Whoopee)
25. What did you want to be when you were little?
A lawyer
26. How are you today?
Fine, just can't wait for the weekend.
27. What are your favourite lollies?
28. What is your favourite flower?
29. What is a date on the calendar you are looking forward to?
My holiday to Lanzarote
30. Are you married?
Yes, very happily
31. Do you enjoy your job?
So, today has been quite a long day, work is quite quiet so the day has really dragged. Not hungry at all though so that is good. I am absolutely wishing my life away for my holiday I am sooooo excited. I have even got a picure of our pool as my screen saver at work, how sad is that?
Got some news on Lola this morning, Sheila rang me to let us know that her sniffles have really cleared up with the anti biotics and she is a lot better, so she should be able to go back to the vets next week to be neutered so that is good news.
Dave is off work until Tuesday so I am very jealous that I have had to come into work and leave him at home. I have to admit though it is quite nice as he is a very good house husband.
Elise is coming home from Pony Club tonight and she has her friend Robyn coming for the day tomorrow which I am sure they will keep Dave busy for the day, so she will be looking forward to that. It is her birthday while we are away in Lanzarote (1st July) she will be seven, so we need to get all of her presents before we go. Originally she wanted a Nintendo Wi, but she has since changed her mind, she wants some heelys and the whole puppy in your pocket range which is a heck of a lot cheaper, but I am sure she will change her mind before we go. I am also getting her some new lacoste trainers which are just so cute.
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Smoking Aces
4. What is your favourite TV show?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. What is your favourite cuisine?
Indians (God if only)
7. What is your middle name?
Don't have one
8. What food do you dislike?
9. What is your favourite CD at the moment?
10. What kind of car do you drive?
11. Favourite sandwich?
Cajun chicken and Salad
12. What characteristic do you despise?
False people
13. Favourite item of clothing?
Hmmm, my blue nightie. ( v old )
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be
and with who?
Anywhere exotic with Orlando Bloom (sorry Dave and Elise)
15. What colour is your bathroom?
White with red accessories
16. Favourite brand of clothing?
Not really into labels
17. Where would you retire to?
Anywhere hot
18. What was your most memorable birthday?
19. Favourite sport to watch?
Ice Skating
20. When is your birthday?
5th September
21. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night time definitely
22. What is your shoe size?
23. Pets:
1 Cat (Lola)
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?
Going on holiday 4 weeks today. (Whoopee)
25. What did you want to be when you were little?
A lawyer
26. How are you today?
Fine, just can't wait for the weekend.
27. What are your favourite lollies?
28. What is your favourite flower?
29. What is a date on the calendar you are looking forward to?
My holiday to Lanzarote
30. Are you married?
Yes, very happily
31. Do you enjoy your job?
So, today has been quite a long day, work is quite quiet so the day has really dragged. Not hungry at all though so that is good. I am absolutely wishing my life away for my holiday I am sooooo excited. I have even got a picure of our pool as my screen saver at work, how sad is that?
Got some news on Lola this morning, Sheila rang me to let us know that her sniffles have really cleared up with the anti biotics and she is a lot better, so she should be able to go back to the vets next week to be neutered so that is good news.
Dave is off work until Tuesday so I am very jealous that I have had to come into work and leave him at home. I have to admit though it is quite nice as he is a very good house husband.
Elise is coming home from Pony Club tonight and she has her friend Robyn coming for the day tomorrow which I am sure they will keep Dave busy for the day, so she will be looking forward to that. It is her birthday while we are away in Lanzarote (1st July) she will be seven, so we need to get all of her presents before we go. Originally she wanted a Nintendo Wi, but she has since changed her mind, she wants some heelys and the whole puppy in your pocket range which is a heck of a lot cheaper, but I am sure she will change her mind before we go. I am also getting her some new lacoste trainers which are just so cute.
Day 17
Well it's been my day off today and I am feeling much better. Got up this morning to take Elise to Pony Club. We then decided to have a trip to Cramlington and start our holiday shopping. I have bought most of our toiletries and sun creams so at least it is a start. We didn't get back until about 4.30 so was really ready for my soup by this time. I normally go spinning on a Wednesday but again this week we couldn't get in as it was full. Not very happy, think I will have to do something else on a Wednesday.
Me and Dave have bought some face masks so are going to do that tonight and of course BB8 starts whopppeee. Bring on the summer.
Sorry Dave couldn't resist.
Me and Dave have bought some face masks so are going to do that tonight and of course BB8 starts whopppeee. Bring on the summer.
Sorry Dave couldn't resist.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Day 14
Haven't updated my blog for a few days as obviously I have been away camping but I am also feeling completely demotivated. I went and got weighed on Friday and have only lost another 3lbs. I was pretty gutted as once again I have stuck to it rigidly. My counsellor is a bit baffled to be honest and can't explain it. The only thing I can think of is it could have something to do with my PCOS. She is going to have a word with her leader and see if she can shed any light on it.
Camping was great fun but very, very, very cold. We were freezing. I had a few drinks but no where near what I would normally have. It definitely effected me more with not having any food.
I have felt a bit funny today. I keep going really dizzy and have flashing lights in front of my eyes. I rang my councilor as I was a bit worried and she recommended that I drink more water as it could be dehydration. When I think about it I haven't drank as much as I normally would. So, I have upped the water and feel much better. I have taken tomorrow off work so I am going to have a lazy day in the house I just feel like I need to recharge a bit. Diet is going ok though haven't had any food at all now for a whole two weeks.
Lola went for her appointment at the vets this morning but unfortunately they wouldn't neuter her as she is full of the sniffles. It has been an ongoing problem, but they won't put her to sleep until it has cleared up so they have given her a course of antibiotics, then she will go back.
Dave and Elise are on holiday all of this week so I am very jealous, Elise is going to Pony Club tomorrow for two days, she is really excited as this will be the first time she has taken her new pony (Rocky). I have attached a picture of our camping trip.
M x
Camping was great fun but very, very, very cold. We were freezing. I had a few drinks but no where near what I would normally have. It definitely effected me more with not having any food.
I have felt a bit funny today. I keep going really dizzy and have flashing lights in front of my eyes. I rang my councilor as I was a bit worried and she recommended that I drink more water as it could be dehydration. When I think about it I haven't drank as much as I normally would. So, I have upped the water and feel much better. I have taken tomorrow off work so I am going to have a lazy day in the house I just feel like I need to recharge a bit. Diet is going ok though haven't had any food at all now for a whole two weeks.
Lola went for her appointment at the vets this morning but unfortunately they wouldn't neuter her as she is full of the sniffles. It has been an ongoing problem, but they won't put her to sleep until it has cleared up so they have given her a course of antibiotics, then she will go back.
Dave and Elise are on holiday all of this week so I am very jealous, Elise is going to Pony Club tomorrow for two days, she is really excited as this will be the first time she has taken her new pony (Rocky). I have attached a picture of our camping trip.
M x

Friday, 25 May 2007
Day 11
Busy,busy, busy. God I feel like I have not stopped. Diet has gone fine today. Again, not been hungry. It is Elise's swimming lesson tonight but Cerrie is taking her as me and Dave have got so much to do to get ready for camping.
We went shopping to Asda for food for our trip, god, that was hard work, I hadn't had anything since my dinner so the food all looked really tempting. Not to worry we got all we needed to keep Elise and Dave going for the weekend. When we got home Dave packed the car, he is quite the professional now and it is amazing what we can fit into the old monde.
The rest of the night I spent ironing and getting all our bits and pieces together. Weigh day tomorrow, so quite excited.
M x
We went shopping to Asda for food for our trip, god, that was hard work, I hadn't had anything since my dinner so the food all looked really tempting. Not to worry we got all we needed to keep Elise and Dave going for the weekend. When we got home Dave packed the car, he is quite the professional now and it is amazing what we can fit into the old monde.
The rest of the night I spent ironing and getting all our bits and pieces together. Weigh day tomorrow, so quite excited.
M x
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Yippee Day 10 (Double figures)
Have had a good day again today, not been hungry at all. Had chocolate & mint shake for breakfast. Then vegetable soup for dinner. A bit disappointed tonight as I couldn't go spinning as the class was fully booked. Went for a walk at dinner time up the street as it has been a lovely day. Done a bit of window shopping for my holidays. Had a pretty quiet day, me and Cerrie went to Next tonight and I have bought, wait for it, my first pair of jeans in about 10 years. I have to say it is not because I think I am suddenly a size 10 and I know I have only lost a few pounds, but I have been thinking about it for a while. I know this sounds a bit dramatic as it is only a pair of jeans, but, I have always had the opinion that fat people just shouldn't wear jeans. It is not as I said because I think I am now thin it is just that I am absolutely sick of wearing black trousers. Anyway, what with going camping I thoughts to myself there is no way I am wearing black pants for camping. They are really nice and are kind of a slouch fit so they aren't stuck to my fat bits. I also bought a very nice green hooded top. So all set on the clothes front for our little trip.
I am definitely feeling like I have lost weight but I am a bit dubious about my weigh in on Friday because of the small weight loss last week, but again I have stuck to it to the letter so we will just have to weight (ha ha) and see. I am finishing early on Friday (3.30pm) so I am going to go straight from work and get weighed. We are going to get our stuff ready tomorrow night so we are ready to just hit the road.
Feeling a bit sorry for Lola as she is going to have to be in the car for over two hours in her little cage which she absolutely hates bless her, but it is for her own good I suppose and I know she couldn't be in better hands with grandma Sheila.
Done a bit more of my jigsaw tonight, mind it is quite addictive. Going to go through Dave's school reports with him then watch a bit of telly. Getting excited for the weekend now.
Night night
M x
I am definitely feeling like I have lost weight but I am a bit dubious about my weigh in on Friday because of the small weight loss last week, but again I have stuck to it to the letter so we will just have to weight (ha ha) and see. I am finishing early on Friday (3.30pm) so I am going to go straight from work and get weighed. We are going to get our stuff ready tomorrow night so we are ready to just hit the road.
Feeling a bit sorry for Lola as she is going to have to be in the car for over two hours in her little cage which she absolutely hates bless her, but it is for her own good I suppose and I know she couldn't be in better hands with grandma Sheila.
Done a bit more of my jigsaw tonight, mind it is quite addictive. Going to go through Dave's school reports with him then watch a bit of telly. Getting excited for the weekend now.
Night night
M x
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Day 9
Feeling good today. Feel in a much better mood, not as grumpy, Dave told me that I have been much more moody whilst being on the diet, to which I promptly bit his head off and said "no I have not, it's you". Hmmm, looking back maybe it is me.
Not to worry I'm sure he will forgive me when I'm looking thinner.
Been to Hepscott this morning to do my NVQ, the room was freezing, I am starting to think that maybe it is just me that is cold as no one else seemed to mind.
I have found since starting this diet I am noticing a lot more what people eat, for example there was a girl there who in the space of about an hour and a half she had, a banana, a packet of crisps, a mars bar and a can of full fat diet coke. What makes me laugh is she said that was her breakfast, but the most annoying thing was that she was skinny. (Bitch)
I have had my shake and soup today but am going to wait until I get in tonight for my last one as I am going to college at 6pm. Another cold night I suspect.
Really starting to look forward to the weekend now. Three days away from work, whopppeee.
I read my stars today and thought they were quite interesting. I am a very untypical Virgo.
Despite the fact that manipulative Pluto is still a force to be reckoned with,there are brilliant compensatory factors in the form of inspirational Uranus and generous Jupiter. If you have feelings to express, do so. And let others know that you have goals, outside of your career or job, which are important.
Not to worry I'm sure he will forgive me when I'm looking thinner.
Been to Hepscott this morning to do my NVQ, the room was freezing, I am starting to think that maybe it is just me that is cold as no one else seemed to mind.
I have found since starting this diet I am noticing a lot more what people eat, for example there was a girl there who in the space of about an hour and a half she had, a banana, a packet of crisps, a mars bar and a can of full fat diet coke. What makes me laugh is she said that was her breakfast, but the most annoying thing was that she was skinny. (Bitch)
I have had my shake and soup today but am going to wait until I get in tonight for my last one as I am going to college at 6pm. Another cold night I suspect.
Really starting to look forward to the weekend now. Three days away from work, whopppeee.
I read my stars today and thought they were quite interesting. I am a very untypical Virgo.
Despite the fact that manipulative Pluto is still a force to be reckoned with,there are brilliant compensatory factors in the form of inspirational Uranus and generous Jupiter. If you have feelings to express, do so. And let others know that you have goals, outside of your career or job, which are important.
Monday, 21 May 2007
Day 8
Back to work today, I am quite pleased I have survived the weekend with all of its temptations. I had my shake this morning (fruits of the forest) which I really like. I went up the street at dinner time with my mam and Cerrie. We went in lots of clothes shops, I can definitely tell that I have lost weight and already feel better when trying clothes on. I have to say I have found the biggest bargain of my life today. I have bought a dress that was originally £30 and when I got it to the till the lady told me it was £1, no that is not a typing error. 1 English pound. What a bargain eh.
Had tomato soup for dinner which I have to admit I am beginning to hate. I had this late again as I go swimming on a Monday night and find if I don't have anything before I exercise I end up feeling a bit ill. Dave and Elise came with me tonight which was nice, Elise has been having swimming lessons and is coming on great. I did 30 lengths and felt great when we came out.
I had Oriental Chilli soup for tea and made Elise Pizza fingers and chips my god it looked nice next to my watery soup. Me and Elise did some of our jigsaw after this but I found I was just getting frustrated with myself so that didn't last long. Going to watch Heros at 10 as me and Dave have watched the whole series so far and are hooked.
I keep thinking about this weekend as we are going camping, we are going with Cerrie, Mickey and Liam and some friends and their children. I am really looking forward to it, but again it is going to be hard as camping is all about eating, barbecues and drinking alcohol. We are going up to stay with Dave's mam on Friday night and dropping Lola (the cat) off as she is getting neutered and Sheila is going to nurse her back to health. We are going camping in Peebles which is only about 10 miles from where Sheila lives so we won't have far to go on Saturday. We are staying Saturday and Sunday night so it should be good fun. Will just have to take my shakes and soups with me but unfortunately won't be able to take my blender so may be having slightly lumpy shakes for breakfast. Yum, yum.
M x
Had tomato soup for dinner which I have to admit I am beginning to hate. I had this late again as I go swimming on a Monday night and find if I don't have anything before I exercise I end up feeling a bit ill. Dave and Elise came with me tonight which was nice, Elise has been having swimming lessons and is coming on great. I did 30 lengths and felt great when we came out.
I had Oriental Chilli soup for tea and made Elise Pizza fingers and chips my god it looked nice next to my watery soup. Me and Elise did some of our jigsaw after this but I found I was just getting frustrated with myself so that didn't last long. Going to watch Heros at 10 as me and Dave have watched the whole series so far and are hooked.
I keep thinking about this weekend as we are going camping, we are going with Cerrie, Mickey and Liam and some friends and their children. I am really looking forward to it, but again it is going to be hard as camping is all about eating, barbecues and drinking alcohol. We are going up to stay with Dave's mam on Friday night and dropping Lola (the cat) off as she is getting neutered and Sheila is going to nurse her back to health. We are going camping in Peebles which is only about 10 miles from where Sheila lives so we won't have far to go on Saturday. We are staying Saturday and Sunday night so it should be good fun. Will just have to take my shakes and soups with me but unfortunately won't be able to take my blender so may be having slightly lumpy shakes for breakfast. Yum, yum.
M x
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Day 7
Got up this morning and felt quite weak again. Had a strawberry shake for breakfast which I hadn't tried before as I didn't think I would like it but it was actually really nice. We set off on our walk at about 11. I took some boiling water in a flask in case I needed to have my soup and a flask of black coffee, oh and 4 litres of water which Dave carried the lot in his back pack. We got to the start of our walk and off we went. When I chose the walk I noticed it was described as 'moderate', yeah right, we had to climb bloody mountains. It was a lovely day though and I quite enjoyed it I have to admit I did miss one hill out as I thought I would keel over. Dave went up it and met me back at the bottom.
When I got home I had my soup as I was feeling a bit squiffy again. I don't know why but I have been really hungry today and in a bit of a bad mood. I suppose it can't be plain sailing all the time or it wouldn't be a diet. Anyway watched The Pursuit of Happiness last night which I thought was fantastic and would recommend it to anyone. Also watched The Holiday which was ok.
Going to watch De Ja Vu tonight then go to bed, hopefully will wake up in a better mood tomorrow.
Have attached a few pictures of our walk. Dave is the little blue dot at the top of the hill.
One week down, whooppee. Five weeks on Thursday until our holiday, mind I can't wait.

When I got home I had my soup as I was feeling a bit squiffy again. I don't know why but I have been really hungry today and in a bit of a bad mood. I suppose it can't be plain sailing all the time or it wouldn't be a diet. Anyway watched The Pursuit of Happiness last night which I thought was fantastic and would recommend it to anyone. Also watched The Holiday which was ok.
Going to watch De Ja Vu tonight then go to bed, hopefully will wake up in a better mood tomorrow.
Have attached a few pictures of our walk. Dave is the little blue dot at the top of the hill.
One week down, whooppee. Five weeks on Thursday until our holiday, mind I can't wait.

Saturday, 19 May 2007
Day 6
It was the loveliest feeling waking up this morning and not feeling fuzzy headed. I went to pick Elise up at about 8am as Jill rang me and said she wasn't feeling too well again. Bless her heart I got her in the car and she started feeling sick, I shoved a carrier under her nose, stupidly not realising that it had holes in. So that was nice all over the car and her.
My cousin Claire came round this morning to see us as she is going on her holidays tomorrow, it was really nice talking to someone who understands how I'm feeling. We had a good old chat about the diet and how it made us feel.
After this because Elise was feeling better we went to Morpeth to try and get Elise a puppy in your pocket house, which I have to say she has saved her own pocket money up for. Unfortunately though it was out of stock so we have ordered it and it should come on Thursday. We then went and got some dvds to watch tonight. We all got to choose one, well Dave chose two, he got De Ja Vu and The Pursuit of Happiness, I chose The Holiday and Elise got Hoodwinked. We then went to T & G Allens and bought a 1000 piece jigsaw. I know it sounds sad but I thought if I kept busy it would help, by this time Elise was starting to get sick of shops so we went to Costa for a coffee (mine was black of course).
My dad works for Jarvis / Network Rail (can never remember which) so he rang us last night to tell us that there was a steam engine coming into Morpeth station today at 3.27 (precisely) and asked if Elise and Liam would like to go and have a look so we met them there at 3.15 promt. We actually quite enjoyed it I have never seen a steam train before so I can say now I have. Mind there was an interesting bunch of people there. Serious trainspotters. People getting very protective about there places on the platform.
When we got home Dave decided to go to the gym so I have decided to make his tea, I feel a bit guilty as I haven't cooked for him at all since starting the diet. I made spaghetti bolognese for him which didn't bother me but it is amazing how many times I went to pick things up to eat. It just shows how many times you eat without realising it. I made mashed potato and gravy for Elise which is the first thing she has eaten in two days, she asked if every time she is poorly could she have mash and gravy. I can see it turning into the poorly food, like mine was tomato soup when I was little.
Dave is in now and has eaten his tea so I am going to go and have a nice bath. I have bought some candles and nice bubble bath as a treat, then we will watch our dvds.
Don't know if I have mentioned in my previous blogs but me and Dave are going on a walk tomorrow, well I would call it more of a hike. We are doing the Biddlestone Parish Round. which is near Coquetdale. We will be walking up Clennell and Silverton Hill, only picked this one as I thought it had some relevance (maiden name). I have a print off with directions and points of interest. It is 7.5 miles and should take about 4 hours. So we will be up early and drop Elise off at marmas (grandmas) and off we go. So wish me luck and I will let you know how we get on. I am sure Dave will be fine but not sure about me. Oh by the way I have attached a short clip of the steam engine for fellow steam engine virgins to have a look at.
Day 5
Well as I said I took today off, I went off to the see my consultant who examined me and took some bloods. It was pretty straight forward and she is sending me for a scan to have a closer look at my ovaries (nice) then I have to go back in a month. Dave came with me as they advised on the letter both partners should attend the appointment. He was a bit dubious but I played it down and said they would just be asking him some questions. So once I had been seen to she started questioning Dave which was fine until she informed him that she would have to exam him. His face was hilarious. Anyway he got the all clear I think he said her words were 'perfect". Hmmmm. So as far as that is concerned I will just have to wait for the results of the scan at my next appointment.
After the hospital I went for my appointment with my CD counsellor. I was running late so I was a little harassed when I got there. So I jumped on the scales and she took my weight. It is shown in kg's so I didn't know how I had done. I sat down and she said to me well it's not a huge loss but you have lost 2lbs. I have to admit I was gutted. She asked me if I had been sticking to the plan and I explained that I had stuck to it to the letter. She then asked me to go and pee on a stick to see if I was in ketosis, so off I went and came back with the stick and it turned bright pink which shows I am burning fat. I was pleased because I don't think she believed me when I told her I hadn't put a foot wrong. We then discussed the diet I had been on before starting the plan and the fact that I have lost about a stone before joining. She seems to think this is the reason for the small weight loss and the fact that I have only been on the plan for 4 days and not a week. So, I came out feeling a bit better and she assured me the weight will come off eventually. I think apart from my bad moments the fact that I feel so much better generally makes it a bit better and I can definitely feel a difference.
The rest of the afternoon I spent cleaning and when I picked Dave up from work at 3pm I have to admit I felt fantastic. We went shopping and I bought a new top and Elise some new clothes. When we got home I decided to have my lunch time soup which was about 4.30. My thinking was if I kept my last one until later when we were at our friends house I would be able to have that whilst everyone was tucking into pizza, garlic bread and crisps and dips etc.
Elise is still poorly so we weren't sure whether or not we were going to get to Marc and Jills but she seemed to pull herself round a bit so off we went. Dave took a bottle of wine and I went to Asda and bought some soda and water and lime cordial as apparently that is the best thing to drink other than water. I am actually surprised how much not having a drink didn't bother me and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. We ended up staying until just after 1 as Elise stayed there with Liam and Cameron and was snoring her head off. I was tired by this time though. It is really funny watching people when they are drunk and I am sober which doesn't happen very oftern because I am normally joining in. I did have a lime and soda but it wasn't very nice so I threw half of it away and poured another glass of water. It was a very bizarre feeling getting in the car at that time of night being the only sober one.
So I would say that is my first hurdle over with. Bring on the next one. Lol.
After the hospital I went for my appointment with my CD counsellor. I was running late so I was a little harassed when I got there. So I jumped on the scales and she took my weight. It is shown in kg's so I didn't know how I had done. I sat down and she said to me well it's not a huge loss but you have lost 2lbs. I have to admit I was gutted. She asked me if I had been sticking to the plan and I explained that I had stuck to it to the letter. She then asked me to go and pee on a stick to see if I was in ketosis, so off I went and came back with the stick and it turned bright pink which shows I am burning fat. I was pleased because I don't think she believed me when I told her I hadn't put a foot wrong. We then discussed the diet I had been on before starting the plan and the fact that I have lost about a stone before joining. She seems to think this is the reason for the small weight loss and the fact that I have only been on the plan for 4 days and not a week. So, I came out feeling a bit better and she assured me the weight will come off eventually. I think apart from my bad moments the fact that I feel so much better generally makes it a bit better and I can definitely feel a difference.
The rest of the afternoon I spent cleaning and when I picked Dave up from work at 3pm I have to admit I felt fantastic. We went shopping and I bought a new top and Elise some new clothes. When we got home I decided to have my lunch time soup which was about 4.30. My thinking was if I kept my last one until later when we were at our friends house I would be able to have that whilst everyone was tucking into pizza, garlic bread and crisps and dips etc.
Elise is still poorly so we weren't sure whether or not we were going to get to Marc and Jills but she seemed to pull herself round a bit so off we went. Dave took a bottle of wine and I went to Asda and bought some soda and water and lime cordial as apparently that is the best thing to drink other than water. I am actually surprised how much not having a drink didn't bother me and it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. We ended up staying until just after 1 as Elise stayed there with Liam and Cameron and was snoring her head off. I was tired by this time though. It is really funny watching people when they are drunk and I am sober which doesn't happen very oftern because I am normally joining in. I did have a lime and soda but it wasn't very nice so I threw half of it away and poured another glass of water. It was a very bizarre feeling getting in the car at that time of night being the only sober one.
So I would say that is my first hurdle over with. Bring on the next one. Lol.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Day 4
Well I will start by letting you know the crisps were a complete disaster. I tried them on greaseproof paper first and they completely stuck. I then tried on a plate and they burned. I then tried them on another plate and they were mushy. So I ended up trying to scrape up what I could salvage and have that for tea. It was hilarious. Dave just kept shaking his head at me, I think I was a little bit delirious by this time, but I won't give up and will try them another day.
Today has been fine had chocolate and mint shake for breakfast which was nice, then off to work again. Work was fine and didn't get too many comments today. I had a tomato soup for dinner which I had at about 3 o clock. I am in from work now and have had to have my other soup because I feel a bit funny. It was cheese and broccoli, it was pretty horrible to be honest and was the most disgusting green colour.
Elise is really poorly tonight and I am a bit annoyed because she wasn't feeling too good this morning so when Dave dropped her off at school he told the teacher that if she got any worse to just give me a ring at work. When Dave picked her up today she came out of school crying which is so not like her. She had a blazing temperature and looked terrible. So, I am not too happy with the school because apparently she told her teacher she was feeling bad and they didn't bother to ring me and just left her to get on with it for the rest of the day.
I am going to see the consultant tomorrow about my PCOS at 11.30 and then going for my first weight in after that. I have decided to take tomorrow off work with Elise being poorly there is no one to look after her so unfortunately I have had to put a days holiday in. She is asleep on the settee at the moment with bright red rosy cheeks bless her. Also tomorrow night we are going over to our friends house (Jill and Marc) as it was Jills 30th last week, Cerrie and Mickey are going as well and we are taking the kids, a typical night like this would involve alcohol therefore I think tomorrow is going to be my first real challenge what with being off work and going out and not drinking tomorrow night. Luckily though as I said I get weighed tomorrow so at least if I have lost weight that will give me the incentive not to drink. Not taxis to pay for anyway.
Going to go and cuddle up with Elise on the settee now, I think I need to keep reminding myself that I am not actually poorly I am only on a diet and stop feeling sorry for myself.
Today has been fine had chocolate and mint shake for breakfast which was nice, then off to work again. Work was fine and didn't get too many comments today. I had a tomato soup for dinner which I had at about 3 o clock. I am in from work now and have had to have my other soup because I feel a bit funny. It was cheese and broccoli, it was pretty horrible to be honest and was the most disgusting green colour.
Elise is really poorly tonight and I am a bit annoyed because she wasn't feeling too good this morning so when Dave dropped her off at school he told the teacher that if she got any worse to just give me a ring at work. When Dave picked her up today she came out of school crying which is so not like her. She had a blazing temperature and looked terrible. So, I am not too happy with the school because apparently she told her teacher she was feeling bad and they didn't bother to ring me and just left her to get on with it for the rest of the day.
I am going to see the consultant tomorrow about my PCOS at 11.30 and then going for my first weight in after that. I have decided to take tomorrow off work with Elise being poorly there is no one to look after her so unfortunately I have had to put a days holiday in. She is asleep on the settee at the moment with bright red rosy cheeks bless her. Also tomorrow night we are going over to our friends house (Jill and Marc) as it was Jills 30th last week, Cerrie and Mickey are going as well and we are taking the kids, a typical night like this would involve alcohol therefore I think tomorrow is going to be my first real challenge what with being off work and going out and not drinking tomorrow night. Luckily though as I said I get weighed tomorrow so at least if I have lost weight that will give me the incentive not to drink. Not taxis to pay for anyway.
Going to go and cuddle up with Elise on the settee now, I think I need to keep reminding myself that I am not actually poorly I am only on a diet and stop feeling sorry for myself.
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Day 3
Well what can I say about today, I got up this morning and felt like I had no bones in my body, really weak and felt a bit sick. Great start to the day. Never mind I had a chocolate shake for breakfast which was quite nice and felt better by the time I got to work. For some reason everyone has irritated me today, it is obviously just the way I am feeling but my god some people, I have had the "don't mention food infront of Michelle mind she is on that ridiculous DIET", I have had "well I think it is ridiculous because diets don't work anyway you just need to eat healthy" oh and also,"you will collapse if you are not carefull". WHAT!!! I wouldn't care I don't even mention the diet, I can understand that people are interested but for gods sake I wish they would just shut up about it, I mean good grief if only I had known that I just needed to eat less and exercise more I could have been thin years ago. Come on. Tried that and failed springs to mind. Also I honestly don't think I am about to collapse, I am sure I have enough fat reserves to last me a good few months with no calories at all never mind what I am having. Anyway breathhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee.
Moving on, I knew I was going Spinning tonight so I tried to hold off having my dinner time soup and had this at about four o clock. I wasn't hungry at all today which was good and haven't had a headache. I have to say though by four o clock I was starting to have short term memory loss big style. I had chicken and mushroom soup but I decided to just have it in my cup so no one would make a big deal of it. The rest of the afternoon went by quite smoothly apart from me forgetting to take the post at 4.30 and having to run through reception like a mad banshee woman at 4.45 when I saw the postman. I have to say that I have not done that in the whole 2 and a half years I have worked there, but hey ho can't be perfect all of the time. Heee hee.
I got home just after five and as I mentioned I go spinning on a Wednesday night with Emma (my other cousin) aka Mer. I was a little worried about this as it is, hmm how should I say somewhat strenuous, actually sometimes I would rather pull my toe nails out than go but you certainly feel like you have exercised when you come out. Anyway what with my VLC (very low calorie) intake I thought I might just fall off the side of the bike, I pushed myself anyway and went, it was actually fine and I didn't feel too bad well, not any worse than usual anyway.
So, I have just gotten in and the thought of another soup is turning my stomach, so, I have been reading on the internet that apparently you can make some sort of crisps out of the savoury packs, I have attached the recipe (lol) if you can call it that for anyone who is interested.
Ingredients :
1 VLCD Savoury Pack (very low calorie diet)
Tabasco Red (Optional)
Black Pepper (Optional)
Utensils :
Baking parchment
Small Spoon
Method :
1. Assemble the ingredients and utensils.
2. Put all the ingredients into a bowl.
3. Open the tap to more than a trickle but not full flow.
4. Add some water to the bowl and stir vigorously.
5. Keep stirring until the mixture is like puree.
6. The consistency should finally be like this.
7. Take the parchment and using the spoon put a little blob on mixture on the paper.
8. Evenly space out other mixture around the parchment paper.
9. Microwave for 1 minute 25 seconds in a 900 watt microwave (adjust for your microwave)
10. Allow them to cool before removing from the parchment.
11. Repeat until all mixture is used up. You should be able to make a minimum of 30 crisps from a pack.
Sounds interesting eh? Unfortunately though I don't have any greaseproof paper, so poor Mr Muckle has gone off to ASDA (again) for me as I have been in the bath and am in my PJ's, to get me some. Oh and some more cigarettes as unfortunately I have to admit I am smoking a bit more than normal, I would say pre CD I smoked about 6 a day, but now I'm up to about 10 a day, but come on, I've given up food and alcohol,now I am supposed to stop smoking?? Why don't I just stop living all together?
So Dave has just gotten back and I am going to go make my crisps, god I live life on the edge. It's quite bizzare because when I sit down to write my blog I always think, Hmm, Ive got nothing really to say but as soon as I start writing mind it all comes firing out.
Well tomorrow is another day and I will let you know how the crisps went. Thanks Sheila for your comment and your faith in me.
Moving on, I knew I was going Spinning tonight so I tried to hold off having my dinner time soup and had this at about four o clock. I wasn't hungry at all today which was good and haven't had a headache. I have to say though by four o clock I was starting to have short term memory loss big style. I had chicken and mushroom soup but I decided to just have it in my cup so no one would make a big deal of it. The rest of the afternoon went by quite smoothly apart from me forgetting to take the post at 4.30 and having to run through reception like a mad banshee woman at 4.45 when I saw the postman. I have to say that I have not done that in the whole 2 and a half years I have worked there, but hey ho can't be perfect all of the time. Heee hee.
I got home just after five and as I mentioned I go spinning on a Wednesday night with Emma (my other cousin) aka Mer. I was a little worried about this as it is, hmm how should I say somewhat strenuous, actually sometimes I would rather pull my toe nails out than go but you certainly feel like you have exercised when you come out. Anyway what with my VLC (very low calorie) intake I thought I might just fall off the side of the bike, I pushed myself anyway and went, it was actually fine and I didn't feel too bad well, not any worse than usual anyway.
So, I have just gotten in and the thought of another soup is turning my stomach, so, I have been reading on the internet that apparently you can make some sort of crisps out of the savoury packs, I have attached the recipe (lol) if you can call it that for anyone who is interested.
Ingredients :
1 VLCD Savoury Pack (very low calorie diet)
Tabasco Red (Optional)
Black Pepper (Optional)
Utensils :
Baking parchment
Small Spoon
Method :
1. Assemble the ingredients and utensils.
2. Put all the ingredients into a bowl.
3. Open the tap to more than a trickle but not full flow.
4. Add some water to the bowl and stir vigorously.
5. Keep stirring until the mixture is like puree.
6. The consistency should finally be like this.
7. Take the parchment and using the spoon put a little blob on mixture on the paper.
8. Evenly space out other mixture around the parchment paper.
9. Microwave for 1 minute 25 seconds in a 900 watt microwave (adjust for your microwave)
10. Allow them to cool before removing from the parchment.
11. Repeat until all mixture is used up. You should be able to make a minimum of 30 crisps from a pack.
Sounds interesting eh? Unfortunately though I don't have any greaseproof paper, so poor Mr Muckle has gone off to ASDA (again) for me as I have been in the bath and am in my PJ's, to get me some. Oh and some more cigarettes as unfortunately I have to admit I am smoking a bit more than normal, I would say pre CD I smoked about 6 a day, but now I'm up to about 10 a day, but come on, I've given up food and alcohol,now I am supposed to stop smoking?? Why don't I just stop living all together?
So Dave has just gotten back and I am going to go make my crisps, god I live life on the edge. It's quite bizzare because when I sit down to write my blog I always think, Hmm, Ive got nothing really to say but as soon as I start writing mind it all comes firing out.
Well tomorrow is another day and I will let you know how the crisps went. Thanks Sheila for your comment and your faith in me.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Day 2
Well once again I started my day on quite a high. I am not a morning person to say the least but I felt a lot better this morning, however I have always struggled with breakfast in the morning therefore the thought of a shake doesn't thrill me but I have been having it before I leave the house. I had a Fruits of the Forest this morning which was OK, I keep asking Dave to try them and so far he has said they are all nice, don't know if he would say that if that was all he could eat like. I have tried to drink more water today also which I don't find a problem apart from I am away from my desk quite a lot. My day has gone by quite uneventfully, I had Oriental Chilli soup for dinner which tasted a bit like thai chilli super noodles which was nice. I did feel a bit spaced out this afternoon, I can't quite explain it and some times I think is it just me looking for problems but I didn't feel quite all there.
When I got in from work I tried to keep busy as I go to college on a Tuesday night at 6.30pm so I had intended to not have my last soup until I got back, but after cleaning for a while and seeing to Elise who I have to say isn't feeling too good tonight (got a bit of a temperature and wanted her quilt on the settee) I felt a bit sick and my hands were shaking so I decided to have my soup before I went. I had vegetable which was ok I suppose, I have discovered that they all have the same underlying taste no matter what flavour they are and they all have a sort of powdery texture no matter how much you whisk them. I suppose I can't expect them to be fantastic but I just keep thinking god this is only day 2, how am I going to feel about them after 6 weeks. I think I just need to look at them as a necessity to live and stop thinking that I am suddenly going to love them.
Any way off I went to college feeling much better after my last soup, Dave dropped me off tonight so him and Elise could go shopping to ASDA, I did say that I didn't mind going with him but I'm sure they prefer to go without me so they can just buy random rubbish, for example they have come back with twister lollies, pizza fingers, Fries to Go, Kellogs variety pack cereal, and various other random items for Elise oh and some WD 40 for Dave hmmmm??. I am really lucky really because as I have mentioned Dave eats really healthy anyway and he does often cook for himself.
College was really boring tonight, I haven't got long left on my course, hopefully it should finish in June so we are just tying things up but our tutor does tend to go on a bit, also it was flipping freezing in the room we were in so we moaned most of the night until he finally went and got us a heater. So, I am in now and still have another 2 litres of water to drink before I go to bed, think we are going to watch RAY the film which I have seen the beginning of but fell asleep. I know I am definitely not up for watching the F Word and looking at all that lovely food which Dave is watching at the moment. Elise is fast asleep so hopefully she will have a good nights sleep and feel better in the morning.
My cousin Claire spoke to me the other day before I started the diet and she told me to try and take one shake/soup at a time and not even try with one day at a time and I think that is exactly what I have to do. I think I am trying to look ahead too much and picturing myself still on the diet in months to come.
Thanks Cerrie and Aunty Pat for your comments, it is definitely helping me writing this blog and it is nice to think people are interested.
When I got in from work I tried to keep busy as I go to college on a Tuesday night at 6.30pm so I had intended to not have my last soup until I got back, but after cleaning for a while and seeing to Elise who I have to say isn't feeling too good tonight (got a bit of a temperature and wanted her quilt on the settee) I felt a bit sick and my hands were shaking so I decided to have my soup before I went. I had vegetable which was ok I suppose, I have discovered that they all have the same underlying taste no matter what flavour they are and they all have a sort of powdery texture no matter how much you whisk them. I suppose I can't expect them to be fantastic but I just keep thinking god this is only day 2, how am I going to feel about them after 6 weeks. I think I just need to look at them as a necessity to live and stop thinking that I am suddenly going to love them.
Any way off I went to college feeling much better after my last soup, Dave dropped me off tonight so him and Elise could go shopping to ASDA, I did say that I didn't mind going with him but I'm sure they prefer to go without me so they can just buy random rubbish, for example they have come back with twister lollies, pizza fingers, Fries to Go, Kellogs variety pack cereal, and various other random items for Elise oh and some WD 40 for Dave hmmmm??. I am really lucky really because as I have mentioned Dave eats really healthy anyway and he does often cook for himself.
College was really boring tonight, I haven't got long left on my course, hopefully it should finish in June so we are just tying things up but our tutor does tend to go on a bit, also it was flipping freezing in the room we were in so we moaned most of the night until he finally went and got us a heater. So, I am in now and still have another 2 litres of water to drink before I go to bed, think we are going to watch RAY the film which I have seen the beginning of but fell asleep. I know I am definitely not up for watching the F Word and looking at all that lovely food which Dave is watching at the moment. Elise is fast asleep so hopefully she will have a good nights sleep and feel better in the morning.
My cousin Claire spoke to me the other day before I started the diet and she told me to try and take one shake/soup at a time and not even try with one day at a time and I think that is exactly what I have to do. I think I am trying to look ahead too much and picturing myself still on the diet in months to come.
Thanks Cerrie and Aunty Pat for your comments, it is definitely helping me writing this blog and it is nice to think people are interested.
Monday, 14 May 2007
Day 1
Well I started off my day on a very positive note today. I got up and had my first pack which was a cappuccino shake drink, I used my blender to mix this which made it all frothy. I decided to have it hot so it would be a bit like a coffee. It was ok I guess, could have been a lot worse. I then went off to work armed with my litre and a half bottle of water. Everyone at work is aware that I am doing the diet and they have all been really supportive apart from the little jibes about the alcohol ban, which is quite amusing. I normally stay at work for my dinner but because Dave was at home today I decided to come home. I had a spicy tomato soup pack and again I used the blender, however I did find it went a bit too frothy and it had gone a bit cold so it was a bit like having a luke warm tomato shake. Hmmm, not the nicest experience in the world, but I just thought get it down your neck and your stomach might stop rumbling. So the tomato soup wasn't the best.
I then went back off to work with another bottle of water. I was fine for the rest of the afternoon and can honestly say I wasn't hungry until I got home and my headache has started and unfortunately won't go away. I have now drank 4 and a half litres of water as my counsellor has said that whatever side affect I may get whether it be, nausea, headache, dizziness, the shakes, stomach cramps, oh and hair loss, great, can all be cured by drinking water (don't know what the water is going to do for the hair loss, unless it is a bit like cress?). I am still waiting for the headache to go.
Anyway when I got in I decided to have a bath so that I didn't have my soup straight away and be hungry later, I then filled in my application form which I have been meaning to do all week which stopped me thinking about food for a while. I then sat down with Dave and had a chicken and mushroom soup which I just whisked and made with boiling water and was actually suprisingly nice, don't know whether this was because I was just so hungry or it genuinely was nice.
Dave is following his usual healthy diet so he just had chicken and veg which I managed not to swipe off him. He has had to cook his chicken himself tonight so I think I have checked it about four times to make sure it is cooked as he is so paranoid about getting poorly from uncooked chicken. I also made Elise's tea which didn't bother me as it consisted of dry spaghetti. She is still absolutely intrigued that mam is just living on soup things which she thinks is disgusting. She came in to my bedroom this morning and said "come on mam, todays the day" bless her she even tried to give me all of her after eights the other night as she said I wouldn't be able to ever eat again after Sunday.
So, I suppose that is my first day just about over with, I am now going to watch a bit of telly then off to bed. I normally go to bed at about 10 on school nights but I may be going a little earlier for now, at least if I am asleep I can't think about shakes, soup and my headache. Still feeling positive though and ready for day 2.
I then went back off to work with another bottle of water. I was fine for the rest of the afternoon and can honestly say I wasn't hungry until I got home and my headache has started and unfortunately won't go away. I have now drank 4 and a half litres of water as my counsellor has said that whatever side affect I may get whether it be, nausea, headache, dizziness, the shakes, stomach cramps, oh and hair loss, great, can all be cured by drinking water (don't know what the water is going to do for the hair loss, unless it is a bit like cress?). I am still waiting for the headache to go.
Anyway when I got in I decided to have a bath so that I didn't have my soup straight away and be hungry later, I then filled in my application form which I have been meaning to do all week which stopped me thinking about food for a while. I then sat down with Dave and had a chicken and mushroom soup which I just whisked and made with boiling water and was actually suprisingly nice, don't know whether this was because I was just so hungry or it genuinely was nice.
Dave is following his usual healthy diet so he just had chicken and veg which I managed not to swipe off him. He has had to cook his chicken himself tonight so I think I have checked it about four times to make sure it is cooked as he is so paranoid about getting poorly from uncooked chicken. I also made Elise's tea which didn't bother me as it consisted of dry spaghetti. She is still absolutely intrigued that mam is just living on soup things which she thinks is disgusting. She came in to my bedroom this morning and said "come on mam, todays the day" bless her she even tried to give me all of her after eights the other night as she said I wouldn't be able to ever eat again after Sunday.
So, I suppose that is my first day just about over with, I am now going to watch a bit of telly then off to bed. I normally go to bed at about 10 on school nights but I may be going a little earlier for now, at least if I am asleep I can't think about shakes, soup and my headache. Still feeling positive though and ready for day 2.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Cambridge Diet Eve

I have decided to try the Cambridge Diet, I have tried every diet under the sun and so far all have failed. I have been motivated to try this diet because of my cousin Claire who has recently done the Lighter Life diet. She has done fantastically well and lost over two stone but unfortunately she has had to come off it because of health reasons. I am going to Lanzarote on the 28 June and would like to lose at least a stone in this time.
I went to see my 'Cambridge Diet Counsellor' yesterday who explained the diet to me in detail. Basically the diet consists of three substitute meals per day. In your first week these consist of a combination of milk shakes and soups. There is also the option of a bar (sort of like a cereal bar) after you have completed your first week. I have decided to have a milk shake for breakfast and soup for dinner and tea. She described the shakes etc as being palatable which didn't fill me with confidence. She took my measurements and weighed me which was frightening in itself but I actually found I weighed less than I thought, this is probably due to the fact that I have cut out bread, pasta, rice and potatoes for the past two weeks.
We then discussed why I wanted to lose weight which I explained to her that apart from the obvious reasons like the way I look I also explained that I have been trying for a baby for nearly two years and have recently been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and one of the side effects is weight gain however the only way to help this condition without medication is to lose weight so it is a bit of a vicious cycle. We then discussed which shakes and soups etc I would take for the week which I decided to take a mixture of all of them as I'm not really a fussy person anyway and at least I should find something I like out of the selection so I will know what to get for next week. She also informed me that I will have to drink at least four litres of water a day, which isn't too bad as I drink two litres a day at the moment, however I'm sure I will never be off the loo.
She then went on to point out in detail what I couldn't have, like NO FOOD AT ALL, chewing gum, lemons (oh damn because I love nothing better than chewing on a lemon) and the big one NO ALCOHOL. Hmmm, this one I am going to find a little tricky. It is a well known fact that I like a tipple or two on a weekend so this could prove quite a challenge when I am sitting with my husband, sister and brother in law on a Friday or Saturday night while they are sipping or guzzling a glass of wine or a vodka and diet coke, but hey ho I'm sure I will cope. We then talked about the cost, which I paid £10 for my induction and £33.50 for my weeks supply of food (well packets). I have justified this cost by telling myself that I would spend at least that on a night out or if I was to have a takeaway and a drink on a weekend this would amount to about the same. We have arranged my first weigh in for next Friday lunch time at 12. 10 so fingers crossed.
So off I went with my little box of packets feeling very strange and thinking what am I doing giving this woman £43 for cup a soups, I decided to wait until Monday to start the diet so that I could have my last Sundays Dinner at my mams house today, however I didn't have a drink last night so at least that is a start. I am feeling a bit weird to be honest I think it is a mixture of nerves and excitement. I think I am nervous because I really don't want to fail this time and also because it costs a little more than your average diet and the money could probably be better spent with us going on holiday soon but I am also excited because I know it works I have seen proof of this both through my counsellor and my cousin Claire (the above
I am going now to put my daughter to bed (Elise) now then I think I will have a bath and an early night in preperation for the big day. I thought I would post a picture of my life for the next seven weeks. Wowza.
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