Monday 17 September 2007

Another new start

Well, what can I say apart from I'm a bit of a disgrace as far as the blogging goes. However, a week past Saturday I got weighed and I lost 6.5lbs which took me back down to just 0.5lb over what I was before I went on holiday. Excellent news eh?? Unfortunately though that weekend turned into a bit of a disaster (just as far as the diet goes mind ) I started eating and drinking again. Oh dear, so I didn't go on Saturday as I thought it was just a complete waste of time and money. So here I am again. Monday flipping morning and feeling crap. I intend to blog everyday as I find it really helps me to stay on track. After I am weighed on Saturday I will update my weight ticker so I know exactly where I am.
Since I last updated my blog we have officially moved house. We have moved not far from where we were which has worked out great as it means Elise has not had to leave her friends. The house is really nice and we are all settled in and it feels like we have been there for ages.
Had a really good weekend this weekend but really bad for the diet. Went to a wedding on Friday night in Blyth which was good then back to Emma and Lee's so was a bit of a late night. Went shopping on Saturday with Elise as she had money from the fairies to spend. It was quite comical as whenever she loses a tooth she leaves a little note for the fairies explaining that she would really like to keep the tooth (weird child) BUT if they still would like to leave her some money that was fine with her. So, Wednesday night off she goes to bed with her little note and her tooth under her pillow. When it was time for me and Dave to go to bed we both just thought the other one would have some money but as it happened neither of us did. Dave only had £10 so it was too late to go out to the bank so it looked like Leesco had scored. When she woke up she was over the moon with her tenner. I said it must be because she has had tooth ache lately and they must have felt sorry for her. Lol. So anyway we went up the street with her money and she decided to buy a mini fridge for her new bedroom which was reduced from £25 which was a bargain.
Saturday night I went to Whitley Bay with Cerrie, Claire and various other girlies. We had a great night and got home at quite a respectable time.
Yesterday (Sunday) we went to mam's for dinner, Elise wasn't there as she had gone to her dads to meet her new puppy. I think we are up to pet number 10 or something ridiculous like that. After dinner me and Dave went to Shades of Green but left pretty quick as it was full of Christmas stuff and Mr Muckle was disgusted. We then went home and watched Hannibal Rising, and then Employee of the month, neither were up to much to be honest.
So as I said today is Monday and I started my new job on the 1st September, so far so good and everything has gone fine. We are moving premises on 25th September to our new resource which is really exciting as it is a fabulous building. (Opposite Asda, the blue building if anyone is in Ashington.)
Anyway must get back to work as my dinner is over now. I may be back later if I start getting itchy fingers and working my way to the fridge.
Well I'm back but just for a little while. I am in the middle of watching LOST, most people have already seen it but me and Dave missed it when it was on TV. So, Dave went to Blockbusters today and hired part one of the first series. We are up to number 4 and are quite hooked. We have it for a week so 8 more to go this week. Been ok tonight. Feel a bit tetchy but I suppose it is to be expected. Anyway I should be used to it now, I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, if I just stuck to it I wouldn't have to keep going through the whole cold turkey thing. My cousin Claire informed me tonight that it was only 100 days to Christmas last Saturday, so that is my next focus point. To be thin for Christmas. (fingers crossed)