Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Day 3

Well what can I say about today, I got up this morning and felt like I had no bones in my body, really weak and felt a bit sick. Great start to the day. Never mind I had a chocolate shake for breakfast which was quite nice and felt better by the time I got to work. For some reason everyone has irritated me today, it is obviously just the way I am feeling but my god some people, I have had the "don't mention food infront of Michelle mind she is on that ridiculous DIET", I have had "well I think it is ridiculous because diets don't work anyway you just need to eat healthy" oh and also,"you will collapse if you are not carefull". WHAT!!! I wouldn't care I don't even mention the diet, I can understand that people are interested but for gods sake I wish they would just shut up about it, I mean good grief if only I had known that I just needed to eat less and exercise more I could have been thin years ago. Come on. Tried that and failed springs to mind. Also I honestly don't think I am about to collapse, I am sure I have enough fat reserves to last me a good few months with no calories at all never mind what I am having. Anyway breathhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee.
Moving on, I knew I was going Spinning tonight so I tried to hold off having my dinner time soup and had this at about four o clock. I wasn't hungry at all today which was good and haven't had a headache. I have to say though by four o clock I was starting to have short term memory loss big style. I had chicken and mushroom soup but I decided to just have it in my cup so no one would make a big deal of it. The rest of the afternoon went by quite smoothly apart from me forgetting to take the post at 4.30 and having to run through reception like a mad banshee woman at 4.45 when I saw the postman. I have to say that I have not done that in the whole 2 and a half years I have worked there, but hey ho can't be perfect all of the time. Heee hee.
I got home just after five and as I mentioned I go spinning on a Wednesday night with Emma (my other cousin) aka Mer. I was a little worried about this as it is, hmm how should I say somewhat strenuous, actually sometimes I would rather pull my toe nails out than go but you certainly feel like you have exercised when you come out. Anyway what with my VLC (very low calorie) intake I thought I might just fall off the side of the bike, I pushed myself anyway and went, it was actually fine and I didn't feel too bad well, not any worse than usual anyway.
So, I have just gotten in and the thought of another soup is turning my stomach, so, I have been reading on the internet that apparently you can make some sort of crisps out of the savoury packs, I have attached the recipe (lol) if you can call it that for anyone who is interested.


Ingredients :
1 VLCD Savoury Pack (very low calorie diet)
Tabasco Red (Optional)
Black Pepper (Optional)
Utensils :
Baking parchment
Small Spoon
Method :
1. Assemble the ingredients and utensils.

2. Put all the ingredients into a bowl.

3. Open the tap to more than a trickle but not full flow.

4. Add some water to the bowl and stir vigorously.

5. Keep stirring until the mixture is like puree.

6. The consistency should finally be like this.

7. Take the parchment and using the spoon put a little blob on mixture on the paper.

8. Evenly space out other mixture around the parchment paper.

9. Microwave for 1 minute 25 seconds in a 900 watt microwave (adjust for your microwave)

10. Allow them to cool before removing from the parchment.

11. Repeat until all mixture is used up. You should be able to make a minimum of 30 crisps from a pack.

Sounds interesting eh? Unfortunately though I don't have any greaseproof paper, so poor Mr Muckle has gone off to ASDA (again) for me as I have been in the bath and am in my PJ's, to get me some. Oh and some more cigarettes as unfortunately I have to admit I am smoking a bit more than normal, I would say pre CD I smoked about 6 a day, but now I'm up to about 10 a day, but come on, I've given up food and alcohol,now I am supposed to stop smoking?? Why don't I just stop living all together?
So Dave has just gotten back and I am going to go make my crisps, god I live life on the edge. It's quite bizzare because when I sit down to write my blog I always think, Hmm, Ive got nothing really to say but as soon as I start writing mind it all comes firing out.
Well tomorrow is another day and I will let you know how the crisps went. Thanks Sheila for your comment and your faith in me.


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