Camping was great fun but very, very, very cold. We were freezing. I had a few drinks but no where near what I would normally have. It definitely effected me more with not having any food.
I have felt a bit funny today. I keep going really dizzy and have flashing lights in front of my eyes. I rang my councilor as I was a bit worried and she recommended that I drink more water as it could be dehydration. When I think about it I haven't drank as much as I normally would. So, I have upped the water and feel much better. I have taken tomorrow off work so I am going to have a lazy day in the house I just feel like I need to recharge a bit. Diet is going ok though haven't had any food at all now for a whole two weeks.
Lola went for her appointment at the vets this morning but unfortunately they wouldn't neuter her as she is full of the sniffles. It has been an ongoing problem, but they won't put her to sleep until it has cleared up so they have given her a course of antibiotics, then she will go back.
Dave and Elise are on holiday all of this week so I am very jealous, Elise is going to Pony Club tomorrow for two days, she is really excited as this will be the first time she has taken her new pony (Rocky). I have attached a picture of our camping trip.
M x

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