Don't know if I mentioned my scan but I went for my scan (ovary scan) on Monday. It went fine and I go back on Friday morning to find out the results so at least we are getting somewhere. It is quite daunting actually the fact that we are in the process of getting pregnant (hopefully) where as if you try and it just happens even though it is planned it is kind of different where I feel this is more definite as they will give me something to make me ovulate therefore the chances are likely to be higher. I sometimes think my god am I mad. Elise is so self sufficient and grown up and the thought of doing it all again is frightening, however on the other hand I want nothing more.
Seeing as it was our 2nd anniversary on Sunday I thought I would post some pictures of our big day. I am really starting to see a difference when I look back at pictures and in a way I really wish I had done this diet before I got married but then again regardless of my weight it was the most perfect day of my life so I am just grateful of that. I keep saying to my dad that I want to do it again, (with Dave of course) can't understand why but he isn't up for it. Hmmm, may have something to do with the cost. Lol.
Been spinning tonight it was great, really enjoyed it even though the woman is evil and really fit. Had my shake, soup and bar today then had 2oz chicken and 2 tablespoons of broccoli when I got in. It feels great to be able to eat. I have been having it on a tea plate and I think in the future I should always eat off a smaller plate even when I am not on the diet as it definitely helps. Particularly considering the size of our dinner plates, they are like wheel trims.
Oh by the way as you may have noticed I have changed my blog template however it comes out a bit funny on Dave's mac but fine at work so if any one is seeing it a bit higgledy piggledy let me know.
Thank you everyone for your comments they are really keeping me going.
M x
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