So, I'm back on track and totally focused. I have a christening to go to on the 19th of August so that is my focus for the moment, so that is three weeks away and would like to lose at least 1/2 a stone by then. I have had my chocolate shake for breakfast and need to really try and get back into the habit of drinking more water. I have been terrible lately and not drinking nearly enough. I am going to try and drink at least 2 litres today. I am also going back to spinning this week, as I have said that for the last few weeks but haven't bothered my backside.
Just got in from work and been in the bath. I am finding it hard again, it is amazing how quick you get out of the habit. Just had my soup and it is only 7 o clock. I really need to keep busy to stop myself thinking about it. I know it is all in my head and it is only because I know I can't have anything. I know I can do it as I have done it before, I went in the kitchen before and was so tempted to go in the fridge but believe it or not it was my blog that stopped me as I know I couldn't bring myself to write if I was bad.
Anyway need to give myself a kick up the butt and get on with it. Just ordered Dave an ipod for his birthday next week (8th Aug) he knows though so it's not a big secret. The big 38 my goodness Dave not long until the big 40.
Oh by the way still haven't started my baby making tablets (clomid) yet as I am still waiting for my TOTM to arrive, so no news there.
The estate agent rang us today regarding the longer lease on the house we may be getting, the owner wants to know more about us like if we both worked full time etc so she was going to email the information to the owner then let us know. I
suppose that is a good sign as if they definitely wanted to just sell it they would have said straight away so fingers crossed.
Well I suppose I will go and read my book it is really good, another Nora Roberts book called Montana Sky (courtesy of Sheila once again)
Thought I would share this picture of a rainbow me and Elise saw the other night. It was lovely!
Oh slight problem though, because I took them portrait it won't let me change the way they appear on my blog even though I have rotated them and saved them, so you will just have to tilt your head to the right.
Hi Michelle,
Your holiday photos are great and you look lovely.
Time to get back to the grind now and you know you can do it. You don't want to undo all your hard work. I know it is so hard but you have shown such great will power and I'm sure you will get back into it.
All of us who know how difficult it is to lose weight are very proud of you.
Keep up the good work.
Love Aunty Pat xxx
Halleluiah, your back!!!!
Good to see you are back in the swing of things. Keep up the good work and you'll see those pounds dropping off again.
Lisa x
Mrs Muckle
We need an updated!! What is happening on the diet front..
Claire :o)
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