Anyway since coming home I fully intended getting straight back on track, however I have to admit I have found this difficult. I went and got weighed last Saturday and I had only put on 1/2 a pound which this in itself is a miracle and should have been motivation enough to give me a kick and get back on track but no, I ended up going on a course this week (FSA Supervisor Training for new job) where lunch was provided so that went out of the window. I have vowed that from Monday I will be back on track and Sole Sourcing. Fingers Crossed.
Also since coming back from holiday we have had a bit of bad news well not bad really just a bit frustrating. We currently rent the house that we live in and when we came back there was a letter waiting for us to say that the owner of the property was selling the house and was giving us 2 months notice. Great eh. There is no way we can afford to buy a property at the moment unless we move into a shed, so we have decided to rent for now until we can save up a deposit. People think we are mad but at the end of the day we would rather live in a nice house even if we don't own it. So, moving on obviously me and Dave are now frantically house hunting. We have seen a lovely 3 storey town house in Widdrington(yes Widdrington) which I really like however we are trying to get in touch with the owner to see if they would do a long term let as we don't want to end up in this situation in 6 months time. This is the house.

We would ideally have liked to stay in Ashington for convenience for my work and Elise's school etc, but there is just nothing suitable. We have driven a few times to Widdrington and it only takes about 10 minutes. I have heard mixed reports about Widdrington, some people say it is a bit rough, where as others have said it is nice, but at the end of the day you are going to get parts of every place that aren't perfect. I mean come on we live in Ashington it's not got the best reputation either.
Today is Friday if you hadn't worked that out and I finish at 4.30 which is great, Dave and Elise are on there summer hols now which makes me very jealous but in some respects it is great as I have no house work to do for six weeks. Get in there.
Not much on this weekend Elise is going to her dad's tonight and me and Dave are just going to have a quiet night. Dave is going out with the boys tomorrow to the pub so I think I am going to see Claire (cousin) as don't think I can stand them lot coming in drunk.
I must also mention last weekend as it was Elise's sleepover for her birthday. She had a great time we had four very excited little girls. They eventually got to sleep at about 12 ish then I was woken up by excited chatter at about 5.45am. I couldn't belive it my daughter is not normally an early riser so I could have cried. Apart from the lack of sleep it went really well and they all seemed to enjoy themselves.
I have attatched some holiday photos, but I have to say not all of them as Dave did get a bit carried away with the camera(about 500 later).
Thanks Claire and Lisa for your comments I have to admit Lisa it was actually your comment that I read today that has spurred me on to start blogging again so thank you.
1 comment:
Excellent news about the half a pound!! You jammy dodger! I'm very impressed. Holiday photos are fabulous! You look great btw, your tan is fantastic, you looked half a stone lighter at the weekend with colour never mind half a pound heavier. Back to basics thou from Monday Meechel. There would be nothing nicer than putting up your Christmas tree in that lovely house at your goal weight. At least you had an amazing holiday! Spurs you on to save for next year.. Hoepfully see you Sat
Claire :o)
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