Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Moody :o(

Well, I suppose I have to admit it it's official I am a moody cow.  There you go.  I don't know what has gotten into me but my word I could kill someone.  I've had a headache for 3 days solid now and it is driving me mad.  It's definitely not lack of water as I've been drinking more than three litres a day which is more than recommended, so I know it's not that.  It may be coming up to that time of month or 3, 6 or 12 in my case I just don't know.  If that is the case it means I will probably weigh heavier this week too which will put me in an even better fettle.  Bah.
Right enough moaning now, did very little last night, got in helped Elise with her homework, made tea, tidied up a bit, got bathed and then it was about time for bed, oh what an exciting life, ha ha. 
Been super busy at work today and started with a finance meeting at ten to nine so that was nice and light for my already battered head, oops I said enough moaning didn't I. 
I've done a bit of research for uni at lunch time but the website is driving me insane as they are all asking for different passwords to access different e journals, books, etc so been on the phone to I.T support for most of that time, anyhow I think I've at least managed to get a few good journals. 
Finishing at 4.30pm today to go and see my tutor to go over my presentation then a lecture with my next tutor but hopefully should get away not too late. 
Only 6 weeks tomorrow until our holidays woop de woop de woop, can't flipping wait. 
Going to sign off now with a glum face just to stress how moody I really am :o(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope the headache goes soon.
Keep going Shell just think only a few weeks and you will be lovely and brown lying on that beach. Nice mind!! :0) XxXx