Lots of family birthdays at the mo, so firstly happy birthday Liamos x x
Day 3 already, so in theory it should get better after today. We shall see. Was fine last night, went down to see Joanna for an hour and got back about sevenish, had my soup then just watched a bit of telly. Then me and Elise went to bed and read for a while and she was scratching on at her head. I had a look and dum dum dum, I think she had eggs from head lice. So, up we get and I treat all of our hairs with head lice stuff, oh what joy that was. It was like putting vegetable oil onto your hair, lovely. It had to be left on for 8 hours so we all just slept in it with towels on our pillows then had to wash it off this morning. She has never had head lice before, but she has obviously just picked them up from school. I wouldn't care she just had her hair cut quite short on Saturday so she has been wearing it down for school so that is maybe why. I've told her to keep her head away from people at school or dickies are going to crawl back into her hair, so she is probably keeping well away ha ha.
Work's really busy today, I haven't lifted my head for the past few days. I really need to crack on with my presentation for uni as well which I need to give some time in March, hmmm, better check that actually. Leaving work today at 4.30pm for uni then should get home about 9.30pm.
Liam is having a sleep over on Friday for his birthday, Cerrie is having 10 kids over, wah, brave woman. I've offered to have little Cerys, which might make things a little easier. So me and Dave are just going to have a quiet night in with Cerys on Friday night then the party on Saturday night.
So anyhoo, so far so good on the diet front, just need to make sure I get through the weekend without cracking then I'm flying. Just need to focus on 8 weeks tomorrow.
Toodle pip for now.
M x x
1 comment:
Well I am fully updated on the diet front! Firstly well done for doing the hardest bit and taking the plunge and going back, very impressed. Secondly, well done for getting through your first two days successfully. Keep focusing on lying around the pool and how much better it feels being slim! You have 8 weeks so a great chance to feel so much better and fit into your lovely holiday clothes. You are doing great so far, lots of love and luck.
CB xx
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