Friday, 19 March 2010

Feeling Better :o)

Well, I have to say I'm feeling much better, still got a bit of a fuzzy head but loads better than it was.  Been upping the water and drinking my 3 litres a day.  Got in last night and me and Elise made Dave's tea, fed the rabbits did a bit of house work then got in the bath, pretty mundane stuff.  When I was out shopping yesterday I purchased a jigsaw puzzle so me and Leesco started that last night.  Watched Idol and Katie which was good but liking Katie less and less.
Going to get weighed soon so fingers crossed I've shifted some weight.  I'll update when I get back.  x x

Been and got weighed and have lost another 2lbs, would have liked a bit more but hey ho at least it's still coming off.  Leaving work tonight at 4.30pm then me and Elise are going straight to the pictures at Silverlink to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D.  I've booked our tickets so we should get straight in.  After that we will just head home.
Hope everyone has a good weekend x x

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