Anyhow, what's been happening? Friday night we had a night in the house with a few people round, Cerrie, Jugs, Lina, Lewis, me and Dave. Elise was staying at her dad's. Saturday we got up and drove to Durham to Homside Park areana to watch her do some indoor practice cross country fences. She was great, will try and put some pics on later. Saturday night Elise went and stayed at our Claire's with Cerrie, Liam and Cerys and Dave and I went out for a drink in Blyth. It was good fun then ended up back at Linda's house.
Sunday we went to mam's for dinner. Apart from that not a lot to report really, been stupidly busy at work today, don't know where the time has gone, it's four o clock already and feel like I've just got here.
Watched 24 last night which was fab. I've also finished our jigsaw puzzle :o)
Quiet night tonight then Wednesday night I'm going out in Morpeth for a girl at work's leaving doo.

Diet wise not been great really, had a dinner on Sunday but I'm hoping it hasn't done too much damage and I'm back on track now so that''s good.
Spoke to Paula today and I'm going to go and get weighed on Thursday at 1pm.