Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Rain, rain and more rain :o(

What a miserable day, it hasn't let up at all.  It woke me up a few times last night pounding off the window, poor rabbits must have been sick to death of it.
Anyhow, what's been happening?  Friday night we had a night in the house with a few people round, Cerrie, Jugs, Lina, Lewis, me and Dave.  Elise was staying at her dad's.  Saturday we got up and drove to Durham to Homside Park areana to watch her do some indoor practice cross country fences.  She was great, will try and put some pics on later.  Saturday night Elise went and stayed at our Claire's with Cerrie, Liam and Cerys and Dave and I went out for a drink in Blyth.  It was good fun then ended up back at Linda's house. 
Sunday we went to mam's for dinner.  Apart from that not a lot to report really, been stupidly busy at work today, don't know where the time has gone, it's four o clock already and feel like I've just got here. 
Watched 24 last night which was fab.  I've also finished our jigsaw puzzle :o) 
Quiet night tonight then Wednesday night I'm going out in Morpeth for a girl at work's leaving doo. 
Thursday night going to see Lydia and Rory with their Easter eggs.  Elise is staying away Thursday night and Friday night this weekend.  I'm going to watch her show jumping at Blyth on Saturday morning but Dave isn't coming as he has got a race on Friday morning.  Friday night we haven't decided what we are doing yet.  Saturday Dave is going to Alniwck for a friend's birthday and I'm seeing Joanna and Linda up to now, but will be just in the house as got the Leesco.  Sunday we are going to mams for our yearly Easter Egg hunt then all over to Cerrie's for Easter Sunday's dinner. 
Diet wise not been great really, had a dinner on Sunday but I'm hoping it hasn't done too much damage and I'm back on track now so that''s good. 
Spoke to Paula today and I'm going to go and get weighed  on Thursday at 1pm.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

5 Weeks today :o)

Woo hoo, this time in five weeks time we will be on the plane, nice mind! 
Well the presentation went really well and received my 20 marks out of a possible 20 so I'm pleased that's over and done with :o)
Got in last night about half nine, got in the bath, watched American Idol then just went to bed, was pretty knacked.  Had a good nights sleep and woke up feeling good this morning. 
Got a busy day today, was supposed to be going to get weighed today but not going to have time as I've got to go to Alnwick.  So, I'm going to go on Tuesday afternoon to get weighed as Paula is away for the weekend.  So, it will be a much bigger time that I haven''t been weighed so fingers crossed for a bigger weight loss.  I feel like I have definitely lost more this week and I can really start to feel it in my clothes. 
Elise, has started to also keep a blog also, she is very funny, her posts are very short and sweet. http://leesco2000.blogspot.com/ 
Anyhoo, must dash x Laters x x

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Wednesday again already, really not looking forward to tonight, have to present to about 20 - 25 people my finding of my research project.  Hopefully all going well though that will be another module completed.  I've just booked a meeting room to go over it at work as haven't really had the chance this week.  So fingers crossed it all goes well and it's another thing off my list of things to complete before going on holiday.
Haven't really been up to much just the usual, house work, homework, rabbits, making tea etc, etc.  Pretty borning stuff really.  Watched Flash Forward the other night which I thought was great and I'm right back in to that. 
Leaving work at 4ish to beat the traffic tonight then should be at uni until about 9ish so should get in just after half past.
Diet going really good, I can definitely tell a difference on my trousers :o)  Ordered some holiday stuff online the other day so very excited for that to arrive today, just a few bikinis for me and Leesco and flip flops.  Going to have a trip to Matalan and Primark me thinks to get some bargains.  Found a fab dress that I love, love, love from Coast, not for holiday, thought it might be a possibility for Emma's wedding.  Some people I've shown have thought it was horrible (including Dave) and other people love it (Elise).  However I would have to try it on anyway so see what you think.

Monday, 22 March 2010


I saw the first sign of Spring this morning on my way to work, the daffodils are starting to show, it's a lovely sight after such a long winter. 
Had a great weekend, went to see Alice in Wonderland on Friday night which Elise thoroughly enjoyed.  I thought it was OK but Johnny Depp was amazing as ever.  Got home about 8ish and watched a bit of Sport Relief then went to bed about 10.30pm, so a relatively early night for a Friday. 
Saturday we had a lovely lie in and didn't get up until about 10.  Elise went off to her dad's at lunch time and I just pottered around the house doing bits of house work.  Dave went and got his hair cut then we started to get ready.  Claire and Chris came over to ours and we went our for a few drinks then came back to ours. 
Yesterday me and Dave stayed in bed nearly all day, very lazy but lovely.  We watched loads of rubbish on the telly and only got up for cups of tea and coffee.  Elise came home about five and was absolutely hyper, you can tell she is pleased to get home. 
 She fell off Bobby yesterday but didn't hurt herself, she was just covered in mud. 
So that was my weekend, not too much happening really.  Diet still going really well, only had a drink on Saturday night and stuck to vodka and diet coke therefore hopefully keeping the calories down. 
Just spoke to Dave as he has had an inspection from County today and he said it has gone really well which I knew it would but these things can be quite daunting.  So that's good news.  What's not quite so good news is that his achilles is playing up so he hasn't been able to run for the last few days which is driving him in sane, which in turn drives me mad as he is a pain when he is not running so hoping that sorts itself out soon. 
Right, best be off and get on with some work.
Chow x x

Friday, 19 March 2010

Feeling Better :o)

Well, I have to say I'm feeling much better, still got a bit of a fuzzy head but loads better than it was.  Been upping the water and drinking my 3 litres a day.  Got in last night and me and Elise made Dave's tea, fed the rabbits did a bit of house work then got in the bath, pretty mundane stuff.  When I was out shopping yesterday I purchased a jigsaw puzzle so me and Leesco started that last night.  Watched Idol and Katie which was good but liking Katie less and less.
Going to get weighed soon so fingers crossed I've shifted some weight.  I'll update when I get back.  x x

Been and got weighed and have lost another 2lbs, would have liked a bit more but hey ho at least it's still coming off.  Leaving work tonight at 4.30pm then me and Elise are going straight to the pictures at Silverlink to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D.  I've booked our tickets so we should get straight in.  After that we will just head home.
Hope everyone has a good weekend x x

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Moody :o(

Well, I suppose I have to admit it it's official I am a moody cow.  There you go.  I don't know what has gotten into me but my word I could kill someone.  I've had a headache for 3 days solid now and it is driving me mad.  It's definitely not lack of water as I've been drinking more than three litres a day which is more than recommended, so I know it's not that.  It may be coming up to that time of month or 3, 6 or 12 in my case I just don't know.  If that is the case it means I will probably weigh heavier this week too which will put me in an even better fettle.  Bah.
Right enough moaning now, did very little last night, got in helped Elise with her homework, made tea, tidied up a bit, got bathed and then it was about time for bed, oh what an exciting life, ha ha. 
Been super busy at work today and started with a finance meeting at ten to nine so that was nice and light for my already battered head, oops I said enough moaning didn't I. 
I've done a bit of research for uni at lunch time but the website is driving me insane as they are all asking for different passwords to access different e journals, books, etc so been on the phone to I.T support for most of that time, anyhow I think I've at least managed to get a few good journals. 
Finishing at 4.30pm today to go and see my tutor to go over my presentation then a lecture with my next tutor but hopefully should get away not too late. 
Only 6 weeks tomorrow until our holidays woop de woop de woop, can't flipping wait. 
Going to sign off now with a glum face just to stress how moody I really am :o(

Monday, 15 March 2010

Where did that go?

I can't believe how quickly this weekend has gone.  Had a lovely weekend, Saturday night we went to Whitley Bay which was good fun.  Had the most lovely Mothers Day yesterday.  We went to watch Elise at Swarland doing Dressage and she was fantastic, she came second in both her tests so we were very proud of her. 
After that we went to Cerrie's for dinner, well Dave and Elise had lunch, it was really nice and we had a lovely time.  I babysat Cerys for the rest of the afternoon and she was no bother she was a little pleasure, we did however have a little drama.  I put her and Elise in the bath and washed their hairs etc and Elise jumped out and pulled the plug out, I went off to get Cerys a towel and ran back in as Cerys started crying, she had her index finger stuck down the plug hole and was panicking.  I nearly had a fit, we managed to pull it out but poor little thing she was very upset about it.  So apart from that she was fine and I've rang Cerrie this morning and it''s still attached but she keeps sticking it up and saying "sore".  She is so cute.
Diet wise still plodding on, but feeling a bit rubbish this morning, got a headache and feel like I've got no energy.  Need to drink more water and that should sort it out.  Going to have an early tonight, got 24 and Lost to watch so think we will just watch them in bed. 
Been looking at cottages as think we are going away at the end of August for a few days, it gives us something to look forward to what with having our holiday quite early this year.  Up to now there is me and Dave, Claire and Chris and Leanne and Anthony going.  So if anyone knows of any nice ones let me know as it's difficult as there are a lot available it's just trying to decide on one and sometimes it's better to have one recommended.
Any way, think I may  need to go on the hunt for some paracetamols.

M x

Friday, 12 March 2010

It's Friday :o)

Well it's that time of week again.  Haven't done much the last couple of nights really.  Had my physio which was fine however he has said that the only way I'm going to get the swellilng down on my ankle is if I keep it up at night and put ice on it.  So I'll be doing that evey night until it goes down.
Uni work coming on nicely I'm almost finished my presentation which I need to give in a couple of weeks just need to run through it a couple of times and tweak it a little.  I've sort of started my assignment just need to crack on with that as I want it done and handed in before I go on my jollies.
Diet going really well, I've found it fine the last few days not been hungry at all and feel great.  Get weighed today at 1pm so fingers crossed.  I'm off to Alnwick for a meeting which shoule hopefully only last an hour or so then I'll be back and update on my weight hopefully loss x x

Well I've been and got weighed and have lost 2.4lbs, not too impressive really however I'm not going to let it bother me as it's very nearly half a stone in two weeks.  When Paula and I looked back at my weight loss last time my weight loss in the beginning was slow then picks up as I get further into it.  The only other thing she said was that I was only drinking 2ltrs of water a day when really I should be drinking 3 so I really need to up the water intake.  Also I haven't been to the loo (I know maybe too much detail) for about 5 days so that won't help either however if I up the water that should sort me out. 
So, just got back to my desk and feel like I've done bot all and its nearly two bells oh dear, think I need to get a wriggle on and do some work.  Looking forward to the weekend, going to Whitley Bay on Saturday night for Claire Kennedy's birthday then Sunday (Mothers Day) I'm going to watch Elise doing dressage at Swarland then to Cerrie's for dinner (not for me obviously) then we are babysitting Cerys for a while so Cerrie and Mickey can go out. 
Any how still feeling positive even with the small weight loss but my clothes etc feel better already so onwards an downwards.

M x x x

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

10 My favourite number!

Well I'm day 10, for some reason I always like day 10 I feel like once I'm in double figures I have cracked it. Feeling pretty good today, had a good sleep last night after watching Lost which I thought was good. It had started to do my head in a bit but seems to be getting better.
Got in last night and mucked the rabbits out with Leesco which took forever as naughty Peter was running around attacking everyone and everything in sight. Wah, he's very naughty. Then I made Elise and Dave's tea for the first time in 10 days which didn't bother me at all infact I quite enjoyed it. I think I'm a bit of a freak but whilst I'm on this diet I enjoy watching cookery programmes too. Don't know what that's all about you would think I enjoyed torturing myself. Ha ha.
So, after that we didn't do much, Elise did home work and I did a bit of reading for uni but that was about it.
The sun is shining again today which always puts me on a bit of a high after so much crap weather. Got loads of work on at work but have had a really productive morning and got loads of little bits of stuff done that I've been putting off. Got an appointment at the physio's this afternoon then straight to uni after that. Always a long day on a Wendnesday :o) Roll on 2012.
Laters Mx x

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Great weekend!

Had a fab weekend.  Friday night when I finished I went and picked Cerys up and took her to mine.  She was as good as gold and was in bed just afer eight.  Our Joanna and Linda came over and we did our false tan and nails etc all in preperation for the party on Saturday night.
On Saturday we just pottered about Elise came back from the sleep over and was shattered as they hadn't got to sleep until after 3am.  She ended up having a nap in the afternoon so that was good.
We dropped Elise off at Claire and Chris' about 5.30ish then went over to Joanna's and got a taxi from there to the party.  The party was great and everyone had a good night.  We ended up going back to Emma and Lee's afterwards and had a good nights sleep. 
Sunday Dave went and got Elise from Claire's then we went back over to Joanna's for lunch, (not for me obviously)  It was really nice as our other cousins Louise who lives in Peterborough and Claire who lives in Blackpool were here so it was great to catch up with everyone.  After lunch Dave took Elise home and I stayed down in Blyth as I was off yesterday.  We went down Blyth and went to a few pubs then came back to Joannas. 
So a fab weekend and great diet wise too.  Obviously had few drinks but nothing compared to what I normally would have had.  Had a lazy day yesterday to recover so feeling fresh as a daisy this morning.  Stephen (chef Ramsay at work) is making sausage casserole this morning and I have to say it smells bloody lovely but hey ho get over it.  eh!
Anyway feeling good and only 7 weeks on Thursday until Lanzarote woo hoo.  Thanks Mr and  Mrs E for your comments, your turn now Clara, x x x

Friday, 5 March 2010

First weigh in, day 5!

I've been to get weighed and have lost 4lbs.  Quite pleased with that as it's only really 4 full days.  I never have a massive weight loss in the beginning it's just keeping on going. 
Finish work today at 4.30pm today then going to go and pick Cerys up and drop Elise off for her sleep over.  Going to catch up on 24 and lost tonight then have a relatively early night. 
Looking forward to Jugs' party tomorrow night, Elise is going to Claire's tomorrow night to stay so she is looking forward to that.  I'm going to have a few drinks but probably have a few diet cokes in between. 
Sunday Joanna is doing lunch for everyone at her house, so I will just avoid the food and enjoy the company. 
I'm off Monday so going to prepare all the paint work to decorate next weekend.  I've bought the wall paper so going to startthe painting next Saturday so I'll get it all cleaned and ready. 
Well best get back to work
M :o)

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Sunshine :o)

Wow, it is so lovely to see the sun shining when I woke up this morning.  I think it makes such a difference to your mood.  I am however a bit tired today, Wednesday's are always so long.  Got back from uni about 9.30pm and was freeeezing.  Elise had been out for tea with Cerrie and Mickey and the kids for Liamos's birthday.
Had my last shake got in the bath and got ready for bed.  Watched American idol, I loooooooooove it.  I like the first black dude that sang but he's not quite getting it at the mo.  I also like the one with the long hair. 

Diet wise I'm feeling fine, got a bit of a gurgley stomach this morning but that's just my body protesting I think.  Not been hungry at all so that's good. 
Nothing on tonight which is nice as been out every night this week so far, I love the telly on a Thursday night, got American Idol, Secret diary of a call girl then Katie Price, (hate her now but still have to watch it). 

Got another busy day today at work, I've decided to take Monday off so got loads to sort before I leave tomorrow.  So, that's it for now, not much to say really.  May blog later between tv programmes.
Chow x x

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Happy 10th Birthday Liam x x

Lots of family birthdays at the mo, so firstly happy birthday Liamos x x
Day 3 already, so in theory it should get better after today. We shall see. Was fine last night, went down to see Joanna for an hour and got back about sevenish, had my soup then just watched a bit of telly. Then me and Elise went to bed and read for a while and she was scratching on at her head. I had a look and dum dum dum, I think she had eggs from head lice. So, up we get and I treat all of our hairs with head lice stuff, oh what joy that was. It was like putting vegetable oil onto your hair, lovely. It had to be left on for 8 hours so we all just slept in it with towels on our pillows then had to wash it off this morning. She has never had head lice before, but she has obviously just picked them up from school. I wouldn't care she just had her hair cut quite short on Saturday so she has been wearing it down for school so that is maybe why. I've told her to keep her head away from people at school or dickies are going to crawl back into her hair, so she is probably keeping well away ha ha.

Work's really busy today, I haven't lifted my head for the past few days. I really need to crack on with my presentation for uni as well which I need to give some time in March, hmmm, better check that actually. Leaving work today at 4.30pm for uni then should get home about 9.30pm.

Liam is having a sleep over on Friday for his birthday, Cerrie is having 10 kids over, wah, brave woman. I've offered to have little Cerys, which might make things a little easier. So me and Dave are just going to have a quiet night in with Cerys on Friday night then the party on Saturday night.
So anyhoo, so far so good on the diet front, just need to make sure I get through the weekend without cracking then I'm flying. Just need to focus on 8 weeks tomorrow.

Toodle pip for now.
M x x

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Happy 40th Jugs x x

Today is my cousin Joanna's 40th so I think that deserves a mention. She is having a party on Saturday night so looking forward to that.

Day two of sole source and doing fine so far. Went in last night and just chilled, didn't really do much until I had a drama with facebook. For some reason it decided to tag everyone in my address book loads of times in stupid sims pictures and sending them numerous emails, OMG what a bloody nightmare so I suppose looking on it in a positive way at least that kept my mind off my diet.
It's our Liam's birthday tomorrow he will be 10, my god can't believe it. Going to nip to Joannas tonight to give her her card and pressie then home to hopefully to do some reading for uni as I haven't done much lately. I'm there tomorrow night so best pull my finger out. I've got two assignments to be in before the end of April, Hmmmm best get a move on me thinks.

Only 8 weeks on Thursday until we fly off to Lanzarote,can't flipping wait. We are staying in a friends appartment at the Sands Beach Resort. (see website) http://www.sandsbeach.eu/
We are going for two weeks and I arrive home on the Thursday evening then I'm going to Emma's hen weekend on the Saturday woo hoo.
So lots to look forward to and pleny of things to motivate me with my CD.

Anyhoo best get on with some work, ta ta for now x x

Monday, 1 March 2010

Hello :o)

Well here we are again. We've booked our holiday and are going to Lanzarote for two weeks on the 29 April so eight weeks on Thursday. I've gone back to Paula and I'm back on Cambridge. I find it keeps me on track if I blog so here goes again.