And so it starts again another Monday morning, bah they come around quicker every week. Had a fab weekend, great day / night at Leanne and Anthony's for Leanne's birthday. Had a lazy day yesterday just did a bit of house work and washing oh and watched the tennis final. A very deserved winner me thinks. Then we went to Gianni's for our tea last night which was nice however it was heaving and we had to wait nearly an hour for our table but not to worry.
Woke up this morning with a dodgy knee :o( Don't know what I've done, it's the same old injury but normally I kind of know when it is going to go, it hasn't gone fully just feels pulled and tight. Anyhoo, got loads to get through work wise this week before I finish half day on Friday ready for Mer's big day. Can't believe it's here already.
Right ok, back to work. x
Monday, 5 July 2010
Friday, 2 July 2010
Wow, it's another lovely day today. Makes you feel so much happier :o).
Had a lovely night last night for Elise's birthday there were 13 of us went for dinner at The Fox Cover and had a lovely meal. Elise thoroughly enjoyed it and was very spoilt as usual.
Got a busy day today work wise and need to get finished for 3.30 as I've promised Elise I would pick her up from school and take her to Paperchase to spend some dosh. I will then be dropping her off at her dad's as she is showjumping tomorrow.
So not much to report and must get on with my work Bye bye now. x
Had a lovely night last night for Elise's birthday there were 13 of us went for dinner at The Fox Cover and had a lovely meal. Elise thoroughly enjoyed it and was very spoilt as usual.
Got a busy day today work wise and need to get finished for 3.30 as I've promised Elise I would pick her up from school and take her to Paperchase to spend some dosh. I will then be dropping her off at her dad's as she is showjumping tomorrow.
So not much to report and must get on with my work Bye bye now. x
Thursday, 1 July 2010
My baby is 10 :o(
Haven't updated for an age just been busy n stuff. Everything pretty good but weight wise papa. Anyhoo not going to dwell on that for the mo. Leesco is 10 whole years old, I cannot believe it. She is turning into a proper little lady. She was spoilt rotten this morning and got loads of lovely prezzies, she is obsessed with paperchase and got some lovely things from there and lots of dosh.
She had a sleep over on Saturday gone, 9 kids stayed over, oh dear. To be honest they were really good and were asleep at about 2ish so not too bad. We are going out tonight for tea at the Fox Cover, there is 13 of us going. Got Mercury's wedding a week on Saturday so that is very very exciting. This weekend I'm going to Joanna's on Friday night for a girly night then it is our Leanne's 30th birthday party on Saturday. So a fun packed weekend.
Work is really busy at the minute and the time just seems to be flying, just took over another service into my department due to the manager leaving so busy, busy, busy.
Anyhoo just a quick update chow for now x
Friday, 28 May 2010
Friday feeling :o)
I'm so pleased it's Friday, this week has felt like a month. The sun is shining and I'm in a great mood. I suppose I should mention the diet since that was originally the whole purpose of the blog. Well pardon the french but it is SHIT!!! I am useless and have put loads of weight back on. I just don't know what my problem is, apart from having no will power. I went to the doctors on Monday just for a follow up appointment with regards to my PCOS. She took my bloods and is testing my sugars, thyroid and kidneys. I then got a phone call on Wednesday night asking me to go back for more bloods taken due to the results of the previous bloods. They want to do fasting bloods which means I don't eat before I go for 12 hours I think it is so I'm thinking that it is my sugars that they are testing. Oh Joy.
Anyhoo enough of that. Looking forward to a nice long bank holiday weekend. Going up the street at lunch time to meet the hubby for a coffee and I've seen a lovely dress I might twist his arm into buying me, even if it is the size of a tent. :o( Then nails, eyelashes and hair done tonight and ready for whatever the weekend brings. x x
Hope everyone has a great weekend x x
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Well, what's been happening? Last weekend we went camping to Wooler, it was a hoot and the weather was glorious. There were quite a few of us so it was good fun. Work has been manic since getting back, think I am eventuallyl getting back to normal and catching up. Got back to back meetings all day today so not looking forward to being stuck in all day today.
Really pleased it's bank holiday this weekend. Elise is going camping with Cerrie and Mickey for the weekend so me and Dave are home alone. Friday after work I'm going to get my nails infilled then getting eyelash extensions then going to go for a sunbed. So far we have planned on having a night in on Friday and just having a few drinks in the house and I'll cook us a meal. Saturday we are planning on going out in the afternoon probably just to the Block and Tackle then seeing how the day pans out. Sunday we are seeing Claire and Chris so have planned on having a bbq at ours, weather permitting of course. Monday will just be a day to chill and get ready to come back to work. Dave and Elise are off for the rest of the week as it is half term so he is planning on getting the decorating done fingers crossed.
Anyhoo, must dash got my first meeting at 10 bells.
Chow for now x x
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Home Sweet Home!
Well I'm home and have had a fabulous holiday :o) I feel like I've been away quite a while which is nice that it hasn't flown over. I will get the pictures up as soon as possible.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Not long now!
So, Elise is still on the ceiling, v excited. We've all most finished packing just got our last bits and pieces to sort out. Me and Elise are going for our hair's cut at 3.30pm then just got our nails to do tonight. Can't wait :o)
Revell, I loved your comment about the post mortem, I didn't get it at first then I nearly spat my coke out ha ha. Bah. Will definitely have a proper catch up when we get home. Hope baba's are both well and you didn't miss Jen too much when she was away.
Chow for now. Will try and update blog when I'm away but may be too busy ;o) x x
Monday, 26 April 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy!!
Argh, got loads to do, which I suppose is a good thing in a way as it will hopefully make the next few days go over more quickly. Had a good weekend. Friday night Elise went off to her dad's and me and Dave went to Blyth to see Joanna and Lewis, we just stayed in at theirs but had a good laugh. Saturday we came home and I did some house work then got my books out and tried to do some studying but kept getting side tracked. Oops. Anyhoo, Saturday night we went back to Blyth and me and Dave went for one drink in Blyth then went to Claire and Chris' for the night. We got a take away and played buzz which was good fun.
Sunday morning me and Dave got up quite early and went off to do some shopping. I got all of our toiletries for our hols, and all the bits and pieces that were left to get. We then went to mam's for dinner then home to chill for the rest of the afternoon. Elise came home about 5pm and was absolutely hyper. She is so excited. We started to pack her stuff last ngiht as I was sick of her going on about it so she is all sorted. Watched 24 last night which was fab and a bit of a shocking end :o(
Today I've got loads to do, I need to make sure I'm completely up to date work wise and also crack on with finishing my assignment. I'm in all day today and tomorrow then taking a half day on Wednesday as me and Elise are going to the hairdressers.
We need to be at the airport for 8.30am on Thursday morning so quite a nice time really not too early. Elise couldn't get to sleep last night as she was so excited so god help us on Wednesday night.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Friday :o)
Friday again. Feeling really positive as have had a good go at my assignment and feel like I have a skeleton now so just need to fill it out. Had a trip to the library and got a few good books so just need to keep up the momentun. Went to Cerrie and Mickey's last night, little Cerys was hillarious, I love how dramatic she is she is going to be such a Drama Queen when she gets older. Love it!!
Not got much planned for the weekned, just going to start packing and sorting our stuff out. I think DAve is planning on doing a race on Sunday morning but apart from that not a lot on.
Hope everyone has a fab weekend.
M x x
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
One day closer!
It's bright sunshine here today, it's really lovely looking out my windown but I've just nipped outside and it is really windy. Not much to report really, did a bit of sorting last night, trying to get all my toiletries, make up, etc sorted. Watched Flash Forward and also started watching V which I had never heard of but Dave used to watch the original series and said it was good. It wasn't bad actually.
Mam, Cerrie and Cerys have just been in to see me for their dinner so it was nice to see them, mam's still got lots of lumps on her head bless her but is still taking the tablets.
Got a meeting with my Commercial Development Manager at 2pm which is probably going to be quite intense as we are down for Trading compared to last year so no doubt I'm going to get an earful even though it is completely out of our control but hey ho. Dave's suggested going on a bike ride tonight but I'll see how I feel when I get in, not very motivated on the exercise front to be honest, might just crack on with my assignment we will see.
Can't believe only one more weekend to go until our hols :o) x x
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Fingers Crossed!
Feeling much better today had a really early night and a great sleep so fresh as a breeze today. I have to say I'm a tad worried about the chaotic flight situation at the moment, my poor cousin Leanne and her hubby were supposed to fly to Australia last week and they have had their flight cancelled, Claire who works for me, her mam and dad were supposed to be flying today and their flights are also cancelled. Not good at all. So I'm keeping everything crossed that the disruption is sorted soon.

Anyway apart from that as I said I was in bed early last nigh, we went straight from work to pick Leesco up from mam's, poor mam, she has been to the docs yesterday and they think she has got shingles, she has got lumps on her head which are really painful. They have given her some medication which she has to take five times a days so get well soon mam x x After picking Elise up we went straight home and me and Elise got straight in the bath and washed our hair. Dave made our tea, (spaghetti bolognese) then we just chilled.
As you have probably guessed still not back to soul source but trying just to be good from now until holiday. Just found it so difficult, don't know why I couldn't get back into it but hey ho.
Chow for now x x
Monday, 19 April 2010
I am so tired today I feel like I could just close my eyes and nod off. Had a good weekend, Friday night I went over to Nicola's house and had a few drinks with her, Linda and Joanna. Dave went out round Blyth with the boys. Saturday I got up and went to get Elise from my mam's, went home and got ready then we went off to Matalan. Got almost everything we needed and lots of things that we didn't really need but had a good time and got some lovely things for us. On the way home I dropped Elise off at her dad's as she had to go and ride Bobby as she was at a show on Sunday.
Saturday night me, Dave, Claire, Chris and Lewis went out for few drinks to the Block and Tackle, it ended up being a great night, very funny as we all had a blast on the karaoke OH DEAR!!!
Sunday we went to mam's for dinner then had to go to Asda shopping as we hadn't done any all weekend, after that we just went home and chilled for the rest of the afternoon and Elise came home about 5ish.
Sunday we went to mam's for dinner then had to go to Asda shopping as we hadn't done any all weekend, after that we just went home and chilled for the rest of the afternoon and Elise came home about 5ish.
Today has seemed to go on forever and it is still only 3 o clock :o( I think the nearer it gets to my hols the more time drags. 10 days today woo hoo.
Chow x
Friday, 16 April 2010
Bad Knee :o(

I'm sitting on reception covering the phones as one of the girls in on her lunch and the other is on annual leave, I'm watching the most lovely little lady sitting having her lunch she is so sweet but it makes me so sad as you can tell she is just so lonely and just wants someone to talk to. I sometimes think that I would rather die at an age where I was still surrounded by my family and friends rather than live to a very old age and be lonely. Anyhoo enough of that I'm off now to let her talk my ears off :o) x x
Thursday, 15 April 2010
2 Weeks today :o) woop de woop do woo x
Can't flipping wait, time is just flying by. Not a lot to report still being rubbish on my diet, I just don't know what the hell is wrong with me but hey ho just going to try and limit the carbs from now on in.
It was a lovely night last night so got in and put the music on and had a whip round the house while Dave went for a run. Our Liam stayed last night so him and Elise were outside playing kerbsy (don't know if that is the correct spelling). I got in the shower washed and dried my hair then started tea, it was so lovely the sun still shining. Dave came back and we had a lovely tomato, chicken past and a bottle of red wine (v naughty I know :o( )
Watched American idol which I wasn't too impressed with, I do like the big black dude and the little quirky girl but don't know their names.
Any hoo that's about it for now.
Chow x
It was a lovely night last night so got in and put the music on and had a whip round the house while Dave went for a run. Our Liam stayed last night so him and Elise were outside playing kerbsy (don't know if that is the correct spelling). I got in the shower washed and dried my hair then started tea, it was so lovely the sun still shining. Dave came back and we had a lovely tomato, chicken past and a bottle of red wine (v naughty I know :o( )
Watched American idol which I wasn't too impressed with, I do like the big black dude and the little quirky girl but don't know their names.
Any hoo that's about it for now.
Chow x
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday to my gorgeous niece x x
It's Cery's 2nd birthday today so she is having a party at Bounce in Blyth. I'll still be at work so unfortunately I don't get to go but Dave is taking Elise and I will just go over to their house after work to see her and give her, her presents :o)
Yip two years ago today was the most bizzare thing ever I watched my beautiful niece being born which was the worst and most amazing thing I have ever seen and I also stopped smoking. So congratulations to both me and Cezzabell, however I think hers was harder ha ha.
So, rain, rain and rain today after the glorious sunshine we had yesterday but I suppose what can you expect it is Britain and we are only in April.
Made a start on my assignment last night, I've collated all of my questionnaires and I've finished my proposal so at least I've made a start so I feel a bit better. I've emailed my tutor my work so far so fingers crossed her feedback will be positive and I can just carry on as I am and not have to go back to the beginning.
Didn't do much last night, me and Elise had a bit of a pamper night and had face masks and did our nails which was nice as Dave was out running. Made tea then just watched telly for a bit then me and Elise went up to bed to read. She's finished her new Wimpey Kid already, and has thoroughly enjoyed it, the film is out in August so she can't wait for that. We were going through our holiday clothes last night, I have made a bit of a start with Elise but she still needs quite a bit more, it's just she has grown so much that none of her summer clothes fit her at all. Roll on Saturday when we can hit the shops :o)
Ok, well I suppose I need to admit my diet has been crap. Don't know why when I'm so bloody close to my hols but just really struggling to get back into it. Need to give my self a kick up the a*** and sort it oot.
Well that's about it for the noo, only 16 days, get in there x x
Monday, 12 April 2010
Too much to do, too little time :o{
Ok, so had a successfull weekend if not a bit random. Friday night as planned we went to Jill and Marc's which was good to catch up with them. Saturday morning we went home and Dave did the grass and garden and I went through the house sorting stuff out for the car boot.
So Saturday was very productive. We were both at a bit of a loose end on Saturday night, Dave wasn't fussed about going out and we knew we would spend a fortune anyway if we both went out so I just ended going out with the girls for Lisa's birthday to Whitley Bay, it was a very last minute decision but ended up having a great night. More exciting though I actually wore heels for the first time since Boxing day due to my ankle injury from falling down one step. Bah. So, got to wear my fabulous birhtday shoes love, love, love them :o)
Had a great night and just went back and stayed at our Claire's.
Sunday morning got home for about 10.30am then quickly got showered and changed and off we went to the car boot. I had borrowed the six seater from work so Dave had packed it all the day before so it was hillarious as there isn't a seat in the front so I was squashed in the back like a lunatic. We arrived at about 11.15 but they wouldn't let us in until 12 so we qued for a while, then in we went. It was a lovely day so there were a lot of people there. We sold most of our big things and made about a hundred pounds so we were chuffed to bits as it would have only gone on the tip anyway.
Had a quiet night, Elise came home about 5 so we just chilled for the rest of the night and watched 24 and Lost.
Today Dave has been back to the tip and visited a few charity shops with the remainder of the stuff from the car boot then him and Elise have just come and had their dinner with me. Elise is going to stay at work with me for an hour while Dave goes for a run so she is sitting next to me drawing. Anyway got loads of work to do and going to have to spend the next two weeks getting on with my assignment and could really do with having a couple of days in the library. I also need to start shopping for holiday clothes for me and Leesco, we are going to go on Saturday and get it all done. It is a gorgeous day today and it's really getting me ready for our hols. Can't wait. :o) x x
Friday, 9 April 2010
It's the weekend already. Yay :o)
This week has flown, well it would do considering I've only had 3 days at work. Haven't done a lot the last couple of days, right back into the old swing of things on the diet front. Dave and Elise have been off all this week so Dave has been doing lots of "jobs" around the house which is great.
Tonight we're going to Jill and Marc's for drinks which will be nice as haven't seen them for a while, Elise is away all weekend this weekend which I don't mind so much with her being off for two weeks, it's a bit of a change of scenery for her and Alisha her friend is going with her too so that will keep her entertained.
Tomorrow me and Dave are going to go right through the house and have a good old sort out as we are going to the car boot sale on Sunday at Tranwell. We've got a few big things to sell like a bike, baby changer, mini disc player etc but we've got loads of old dvd's, D S games and stuff aswell so we thought we may aswell. I have to say not my favourite way to spend a Sunday but hey ho.
So not much else happening at the minute, just on count down to our jollies woo hoo.
Laters x
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Back at my desk!
Well that flew over didn't it? Had a fab weekend and have been very busy, obviously too busy to blog. Thursday night we went to Star Bowl to take Elise to a party and me and Dave had a wonder around Royal Quays, wasn't very impressed to be honest. Only bought a pair of flip flops for Elise and a birthday card for Cerys so not very successful.
Friday we went to mam's for Easter breakfast which was lovely, Cerys was very funny and won champion egg. Friday afternoon Elise went off to her dad's and me and Dave went over to Emma and Lee's. We went out for a few drinks in the afternoon and later on went back to their house and met up with Leanne and Anthony which was good fun.
Saturday Dave and I went home as Dave was going to Wooler then out with the boys in Alnwick. Elise came home and we headed over to Joanna's where we stayed the night.
Sunday we were at Cerrie and Mickey's for dinner which was fantastic, she did amazing considering she had 14 for lunch. Everyone had a great day all beit with too much food and alcohol.

Monday Dave, me, Elise, Cerrie, Liam, Cerys and mam and dad went to Morpeth for a mooch around the shops, Elise got money for Easter and it was obviously burning a hole in her pocket so we went to paperchase and she bought some pens then we went to Waterstones and on my recommendation she bought The folk of the faraway tree which I adored when I was younger, as you can see the over has changed somewhat. There are three books in total so the one she bought was all three of them combined. She also bought the new Wimpy Kid book which she adores. After that we went to Marabini's for our dinner which again was really nice but very naughty :o(. Monday night Dave, me and Elise went over to Claire and Chris' for the night as we hadn't seen them over the weekend. Yesterday we came home and just had a lazy day watching telly and reading which was really lovely after some hectic days. We watched Pacific the first two parts anyway which was really good. There are another 8 to watch but not sure when they are coming onto sky. Definitely worth watching though.
Friday we went to mam's for Easter breakfast which was lovely, Cerys was very funny and won champion egg. Friday afternoon Elise went off to her dad's and me and Dave went over to Emma and Lee's. We went out for a few drinks in the afternoon and later on went back to their house and met up with Leanne and Anthony which was good fun.
Saturday Dave and I went home as Dave was going to Wooler then out with the boys in Alnwick. Elise came home and we headed over to Joanna's where we stayed the night.
Sunday we were at Cerrie and Mickey's for dinner which was fantastic, she did amazing considering she had 14 for lunch. Everyone had a great day all beit with too much food and alcohol.

We also caught up with 24, Lost and Flash Forward. At 5pm Elise went off to another birthday party this time just at a friends house in Ashington for tea then they went out in a pink hummer for a drive. She thoroughly enjoyed it and has decided that this is what she want's for her birthday. She was very funny, asking did I know there were only 2 of them in the whole world!! Britney Spears has one and then this one is Ashington. How's about that then eh!!!!
So, any way back at work now and not feeling particularly motivated but hey ho best give myself a shake as got loads to do and an assignment to finish in 3 weeks, oh dear, really need some inspiration.
Diet wise all in all been pretty pants, so no doubt will pay for it on Friday. Just had a black coffee and I'm half way through my first litre and a half of water so back to the grind.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Rain, rain and more rain :o(
What a miserable day, it hasn't let up at all. It woke me up a few times last night pounding off the window, poor rabbits must have been sick to death of it.
Anyhow, what's been happening? Friday night we had a night in the house with a few people round, Cerrie, Jugs, Lina, Lewis, me and Dave. Elise was staying at her dad's. Saturday we got up and drove to Durham to Homside Park areana to watch her do some indoor practice cross country fences. She was great, will try and put some pics on later. Saturday night Elise went and stayed at our Claire's with Cerrie, Liam and Cerys and Dave and I went out for a drink in Blyth. It was good fun then ended up back at Linda's house.
Sunday we went to mam's for dinner. Apart from that not a lot to report really, been stupidly busy at work today, don't know where the time has gone, it's four o clock already and feel like I've just got here.
Watched 24 last night which was fab. I've also finished our jigsaw puzzle :o)
Thursday night going to see Lydia and Rory with their Easter eggs. Elise is staying away Thursday night and Friday night this weekend. I'm going to watch her show jumping at Blyth on Saturday morning but Dave isn't coming as he has got a race on Friday morning. Friday night we haven't decided what we are doing yet. Saturday Dave is going to Alniwck for a friend's birthday and I'm seeing Joanna and Linda up to now, but will be just in the house as got the Leesco. Sunday we are going to mams for our yearly Easter Egg hunt then all over to Cerrie's for Easter Sunday's dinner.
Anyhow, what's been happening? Friday night we had a night in the house with a few people round, Cerrie, Jugs, Lina, Lewis, me and Dave. Elise was staying at her dad's. Saturday we got up and drove to Durham to Homside Park areana to watch her do some indoor practice cross country fences. She was great, will try and put some pics on later. Saturday night Elise went and stayed at our Claire's with Cerrie, Liam and Cerys and Dave and I went out for a drink in Blyth. It was good fun then ended up back at Linda's house.
Sunday we went to mam's for dinner. Apart from that not a lot to report really, been stupidly busy at work today, don't know where the time has gone, it's four o clock already and feel like I've just got here.
Watched 24 last night which was fab. I've also finished our jigsaw puzzle :o)
Quiet night tonight then Wednesday night I'm going out in Morpeth for a girl at work's leaving doo.

Diet wise not been great really, had a dinner on Sunday but I'm hoping it hasn't done too much damage and I'm back on track now so that''s good.
Spoke to Paula today and I'm going to go and get weighed on Thursday at 1pm.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
5 Weeks today :o)
Woo hoo, this time in five weeks time we will be on the plane, nice mind!
Well the presentation went really well and received my 20 marks out of a possible 20 so I'm pleased that's over and done with :o)
Got in last night about half nine, got in the bath, watched American Idol then just went to bed, was pretty knacked. Had a good nights sleep and woke up feeling good this morning.
Got a busy day today, was supposed to be going to get weighed today but not going to have time as I've got to go to Alnwick. So, I'm going to go on Tuesday afternoon to get weighed as Paula is away for the weekend. So, it will be a much bigger time that I haven''t been weighed so fingers crossed for a bigger weight loss. I feel like I have definitely lost more this week and I can really start to feel it in my clothes.
Elise, has started to also keep a blog also, she is very funny, her posts are very short and sweet.
Anyhoo, must dash x Laters x x
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Wednesday again already, really not looking forward to tonight, have to present to about 20 - 25 people my finding of my research project. Hopefully all going well though that will be another module completed. I've just booked a meeting room to go over it at work as haven't really had the chance this week. So fingers crossed it all goes well and it's another thing off my list of things to complete before going on holiday.

Leaving work at 4ish to beat the traffic tonight then should be at uni until about 9ish so should get in just after half past.
Diet going really good, I can definitely tell a difference on my trousers :o) Ordered some holiday stuff online the other day so very excited for that to arrive today, just a few bikinis for me and Leesco and flip flops. Going to have a trip to Matalan and Primark me thinks to get some bargains. Found a fab dress that I love, love, love from Coast, not for holiday, thought it might be a possibility for Emma's wedding. Some people I've shown have thought it was horrible (including Dave) and other people love it (Elise). However I would have to try it on anyway so see what you think.
Monday, 22 March 2010
I saw the first sign of Spring this morning on my way to work, the daffodils are starting to show, it's a lovely sight after such a long winter.
Had a great weekend, went to see Alice in Wonderland on Friday night which Elise thoroughly enjoyed. I thought it was OK but Johnny Depp was amazing as ever. Got home about 8ish and watched a bit of Sport Relief then went to bed about 10.30pm, so a relatively early night for a Friday.
Saturday we had a lovely lie in and didn't get up until about 10. Elise went off to her dad's at lunch time and I just pottered around the house doing bits of house work. Dave went and got his hair cut then we started to get ready. Claire and Chris came over to ours and we went our for a few drinks then came back to ours.
Yesterday me and Dave stayed in bed nearly all day, very lazy but lovely. We watched loads of rubbish on the telly and only got up for cups of tea and coffee. Elise came home about five and was absolutely hyper, you can tell she is pleased to get home.
She fell off Bobby yesterday but didn't hurt herself, she was just covered in mud.
So that was my weekend, not too much happening really. Diet still going really well, only had a drink on Saturday night and stuck to vodka and diet coke therefore hopefully keeping the calories down.
Just spoke to Dave as he has had an inspection from County today and he said it has gone really well which I knew it would but these things can be quite daunting. So that's good news. What's not quite so good news is that his achilles is playing up so he hasn't been able to run for the last few days which is driving him in sane, which in turn drives me mad as he is a pain when he is not running so hoping that sorts itself out soon.
Right, best be off and get on with some work.
Chow x x
Friday, 19 March 2010
Feeling Better :o)
Well, I have to say I'm feeling much better, still got a bit of a fuzzy head but loads better than it was. Been upping the water and drinking my 3 litres a day. Got in last night and me and Elise made Dave's tea, fed the rabbits did a bit of house work then got in the bath, pretty mundane stuff. When I was out shopping yesterday I purchased a jigsaw puzzle so me and Leesco started that last night. Watched Idol and Katie which was good but liking Katie less and less.
Going to get weighed soon so fingers crossed I've shifted some weight. I'll update when I get back. x x
Been and got weighed and have lost another 2lbs, would have liked a bit more but hey ho at least it's still coming off. Leaving work tonight at 4.30pm then me and Elise are going straight to the pictures at Silverlink to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I've booked our tickets so we should get straight in. After that we will just head home.
Hope everyone has a good weekend x x
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Moody :o(
Well, I suppose I have to admit it it's official I am a moody cow. There you go. I don't know what has gotten into me but my word I could kill someone. I've had a headache for 3 days solid now and it is driving me mad. It's definitely not lack of water as I've been drinking more than three litres a day which is more than recommended, so I know it's not that. It may be coming up to that time of month or 3, 6 or 12 in my case I just don't know. If that is the case it means I will probably weigh heavier this week too which will put me in an even better fettle. Bah.
Right enough moaning now, did very little last night, got in helped Elise with her homework, made tea, tidied up a bit, got bathed and then it was about time for bed, oh what an exciting life, ha ha.
Been super busy at work today and started with a finance meeting at ten to nine so that was nice and light for my already battered head, oops I said enough moaning didn't I.
I've done a bit of research for uni at lunch time but the website is driving me insane as they are all asking for different passwords to access different e journals, books, etc so been on the phone to I.T support for most of that time, anyhow I think I've at least managed to get a few good journals.
Finishing at 4.30pm today to go and see my tutor to go over my presentation then a lecture with my next tutor but hopefully should get away not too late.
Only 6 weeks tomorrow until our holidays woop de woop de woop, can't flipping wait.
Going to sign off now with a glum face just to stress how moody I really am :o(
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