Feeling much better today had a really early night and a great sleep so fresh as a breeze today. I have to say I'm a tad worried about the chaotic flight situation at the moment, my poor cousin Leanne and her hubby were supposed to fly to Australia last week and they have had their flight cancelled, Claire who works for me, her mam and dad were supposed to be flying today and their flights are also cancelled. Not good at all. So I'm keeping everything crossed that the disruption is sorted soon.

Anyway apart from that as I said I was in bed early last nigh, we went straight from work to pick Leesco up from mam's, poor mam, she has been to the docs yesterday and they think she has got shingles, she has got lumps on her head which are really painful. They have given her some medication which she has to take five times a days so get well soon mam x x After picking Elise up we went straight home and me and Elise got straight in the bath and washed our hair. Dave made our tea, (spaghetti bolognese) then we just chilled.
As you have probably guessed still not back to soul source but trying just to be good from now until holiday. Just found it so difficult, don't know why I couldn't get back into it but hey ho.
Chow for now x x
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