Friday, 28 May 2010

Friday feeling :o)

I'm so pleased it's Friday, this week has felt like a month.  The sun is shining and I'm in a great mood.  I suppose I should mention the diet since that was originally the whole purpose of the blog.  Well pardon the french but it is SHIT!!!  I am useless and have put loads of weight back on. I just don't know what my problem is, apart from having no will power.  I went to the doctors on Monday just for a follow up appointment with regards to my PCOS.  She took my bloods and is testing my sugars, thyroid and kidneys.  I then got a phone call on Wednesday night asking me to go back for more bloods taken due to the results of the previous bloods.  They want to do fasting bloods which means I don't eat before I go for 12 hours I think it is so I'm thinking that it is my sugars that they are testing.  Oh Joy.
Anyhoo enough of that.  Looking forward to a nice long bank holiday weekend.  Going up the street at lunch time to meet the hubby for a coffee and I've seen a lovely dress I might twist his arm into buying me, even if it is the size of a tent. :o(  Then nails, eyelashes and hair done tonight and ready for whatever the weekend brings.  x x
Hope everyone has a great weekend x x

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