Monday, 26 April 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Argh, got loads to do, which I suppose is a good thing in a way as it will hopefully make the next few days go over more quickly.  Had a good weekend.  Friday night Elise went off to her dad's and me and Dave went to Blyth to see Joanna and Lewis, we just stayed in at theirs but had a good laugh.  Saturday we came home and I did some house work then got my books out and tried to do some studying but kept getting side tracked.  Oops.  Anyhoo, Saturday night we went back to Blyth and me and Dave went for one drink in Blyth then went to Claire and Chris' for the night.  We got a take away and played buzz which was good fun. 
Sunday morning me and Dave got up quite early and went off to do some shopping.  I got all of our toiletries for our hols, and all the bits and pieces that were left to get.  We then went to mam's for dinner then home to chill for the rest of the afternoon.  Elise came home about 5pm and was absolutely hyper.  She is so excited.  We started to pack her stuff last ngiht as I was sick of her going on about it so she is all sorted.  Watched 24 last night which was fab and a bit of a shocking end :o(
Today I've got loads to do, I need to make sure I'm completely up to date work wise and also crack on with finishing my assignment. I'm in all day today and tomorrow then taking a half day on Wednesday as me and Elise are going to the hairdressers. 
We need to be at the airport for 8.30am on Thursday morning so quite a nice time really not too early.  Elise couldn't get to sleep last night as she was so excited so god help us on Wednesday night.  


Revell Cornell said...

Forgot about ya blog Meeshell!!! I'm all to pot with not being at work. Makes me realise how much time I must have at work on a daily basis to go through the regular list of sites, lol.
I've just had to plough through 3 weeks of your posts and I feel all interneted out now! Saying that it was a welcome distraction from the HELL that is Glee. Can't believe it's on at the same time as Pacific!

Soooo, holidays in 3 days eh. I'm not jealous MUCH!!

Enjoy, and we'll have to have a proper catch up with you's when you're back.

And as for 24. Oooooooooh Jack's gonna be MAD!!!
Here's a thought for you - hope they don't have to do a full autopsy :o$ Ewwwwwwww. Lol

Mrs E said...

Have a fabulous time, wish we were coming if not only to see Elise's face!!!

See you soon, lots of love xxx