I'm sick as a chip. Had a lovely night last night, me and Elise went shopping and got her loads of holiday clothes which are all gorgeous, we then went over to see Cerrie and Mickey. I was sitting on the settee and just turned slightly and my knee has popped out. I'm gutted, so now I'm hobbling around like a freak. It's an old injury from years ago when I got knocked over, there is still a weakness and it pops out from time to time, very painful but more inconvenient than anything as I can't put any weight on it and have to hop along like a freak. So sitting with a bag of ice on it at the moment getting ice burn. Got an appointment at the docs at 4.30pm so he might strap it up which should give it a bit of support.

Anyway winge over, it's a gorgeous day today, such a pity I'm at work. Just spoke to Dave and he has been helping our neighbour take down his shed and Elise is chilling on the settee watching telly. She's shattered as her and Liam were up late last night playing and watching tv so she is just having a lazy day today. Marma is having her, Liam and Cerys tonight so we are child free tonight, don't know what we are goingt to do yet though. Tomorrow me, Cerrie and mam are going to Matalan to get some more clothes for my jollies then Claire and Chris are coming over tomorrow night.

I'm sitting on reception covering the phones as one of the girls in on her lunch and the other is on annual leave, I'm watching the most lovely little lady sitting having her lunch she is so sweet but it makes me so sad as you can tell she is just so lonely and just wants someone to talk to. I sometimes think that I would rather die at an age where I was still surrounded by my family and friends rather than live to a very old age and be lonely. Anyhoo enough of that I'm off now to let her talk my ears off :o) x x
1 comment:
Oh I'm so pleased you said you were going to talk to her, I was starting to feel really sad, I bet you have made her day bless her. I agree with you on the growing old thing. I hope the doc sorts something out with your knee I have seen the hobble and it is not pleasant!
Looking forward to tomorrow night, enjoy being child free xxxxxx What yous going to do?
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