Tuesday already, had a great weekend, Friday as I said we had Emma, Lee, Lewis and Andrew over. Saturday we got up and once we'd done a bit house work we had a walk over to the Fox Cover as it was a lovely day. We sat outside and had a few drinks then Cerrie, Mickey and the kids came and met us. It was really nice. We went home about sixish and sat in the garden. Claire and Chris came over later on followed by Chris' brother Pete and his girlfriend Lyndsey. We had a great night.
Sunday we got up and pottered round for a bit then went to meet my mam and dad at the Block and Tackle with Lewis, we stayed there till about 5.30 then came home as Elise was coming home with the two new rabbits, they are so cute. Once is her old rabbit called Sweetie and the other one is his son, Peter. They have separate hutches as apparently they will fight but they are just lovely.
Got my dress for the party on Sunday, I love it. Just need to sort shoes, bag and jewelery out then that's me sorted and Leesco still needs some new shoes. Uniform's all sorted ready for middle school. She looks so grown up.
She's off to Yasmin's this afternoon for her birthday, they are going to Gianni's for their tea then she's staying over.
Got another busy weekend this weekend then it's bank holiday Monday wooppee. Only 3 days at work for me next week.
M x x
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