Again, I can't believe where the time has gone, since I last blogged it has been Lydia's (our god daughter) birthday so we went round to see her on Thursday night. Friday we had pre Dave's birthday drinks at ours and Jill, Marc and the boys, Cerrie Mickey and the kids, Janine, Chris, Lewis, Andrew and Jugs all came over. It was really nice and we sat out in the garden whilst the kids played.
Saturday was obviously Dave's birthday and he had a lovely day. I got him a new wedding ring (long story but he lost his last one), aftershave, a ted baker jumper, a shirt, slippers, dressing gown. Anti wrinkle cream lol, smellys, socks and undies, so he was very spoilt. He also got money from family and friends. Elise got picked up at 11 then we got ready and headed to Wooler about 3ish. We had a fab afternoon / night and came back home the next day about lunch time. We then went to the Block and Tackle to meet mam and dad and Emma, Lee, Claire and Chris popped in to see us so all in all a fab weekend.
Yesterday (Monday) I had booked off so we just had a lovely lie in then went and did some shopping and went for our lunch. From here I will carry on regarding the diet. Since doing add a meal I have struggled a bit, some days I haven't had anything but then others for example yesterday I had a Sunday dinner, so not great really. BUT, back on sole source from today. I know I'm going to be out of ketosis so may struggle a bit for a couple of days but hey ho. I'm not going to beat myself up about it, it was Dave's birthday and I enjoyed it so I'm putting it behind me and back on track. I got weighed on Friday and lost 1.5lb so at least I still lost and I don't think that's too bad considering it was add a meal, just hope I haven't done too much damage over the weekend. I've got a good 3 days now to get myself back into ketosis and I still need to keep telling myself that I've lost nearly 40lbs which isn't bad going.
So it's 3 weeks on Friday to the party so as long as I stay 100% SS I know I can have at least another half a stone off.
Laters x
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