Just been and got weighed and have lost 3.2 lbs, pleased with that but would still prefer 4lbs, but hey ho.
Went to the Sage to watch Elise last night, she was fantastic, I was very proud of her. It was a really late night though poor souls, they had had two dress rehersals and the performance was on for nearly three hours so we didn't get in until after 11, so to say we had a tired little bean would be an undersatement. She went to bed and was asleep before I got upstairs to say goodnight.
She's been into work with me this morning and been fantastic, she has put labels on all of the payroll envelopes ready to be posted out and designed, coloured in and laminated a book mark. Dave picked us up at 12 and I went and got weighed, Elise lay down in the back of the car so bless her I think she's still knacked. I'm back at work and they were going to go home and let her chill for a couple of hours while Dave washes the car and cuts the grass.
Think Cerrie, Mickey and the kids and our neighbours Janine and Chris are coming round tonight. Elise is off to her dad's in the morning then my dad's taking us to Tynemouth about lunch time so should be a nice day.
Got loads left to do at work before I leave at 4.30 so had better get cracking.
Laters x x
1 comment:
Hey there, thanks for your comment on my blog :) Congrats on your weight loss so far, you're doing great!
Interested to know, you seem to be having the odd alcoholic tipple, does that affect your progress at all? I've gone cold turkey on the old booze and haven't had a drop but I'll still be doing Cambridge around the festive season and will no doubt fancy a drop of something at some point. Just want to mentally prepare myself cos if the adverse effects are dramatic I'll do my utmost to give it a miss!
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