Good morning, good morning, I am so tired today. Yesterday went well, well, as well as a funeral can go. We left from Grandpa's house and went to Ingram church where the vicar gave a lovely service and read the most lovely pieces which Sheila had written, it was just perfect, then a cousin read a poem from his book which was also lovely. He was then buried next to Dave's Gran. I haven't been to Ingram for years and had forgotten how beautiful it was, it's right next to where Dave grew up. There are now some gorgeous holiday cottages there, I'm definitely going to take Leesco up next time we're off and we have a nice day. After the service we went back to Embleton Hall which again was really nice.
We got home about 5.30ish and went to get Elise from Cerrie's then Dave went for a run and I made their tea's.
I've been feeling really hungry the last few days and the only thing I can think is I haven't been drinking enought water with me being off work so I'm half way through my 2 litre bottle which is sitting on my desk. Also Dave say's my breath is honking (he's so kind) so drinking more water should help that too.
Watched the Michael Jackson tribute last night and found it really sad but fantastic at the same time, I thought it was so sad for the family and his children. I thought John Mayer was amazing, so brilliant but quite understated. I thought Usher was a bit much mind going and caressing the coffin and that. bah. So anyway little grandpa can go down in history as being buried on the same day as the King of Pop.
My cousin Louise (Claire who I mention regularly's sister) is starting Lighter Life today so good luck to her, as I've told her she will be feeling fab in no time.
Thanks Jo for your lovely comment, however I think I'm looking a bit sparkley eyed from the double vodka I had just consumed. ha ha. x x
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