Been busy the last few days, but unfortunately not in the exercise sense. Been a bit crap really. Was going to go out on the bike on Wednesday night but forgot we were all at the dentist. Just for check ups and everything is fine. Doesn't look like Elise will need a brace in her teens which is good, Dave needs a bit of work done and just a scale and polish for me.
Yesterday was really busy at work and had meetings all day however Elise's leavers mass was on at 1.30pm so had to go to that too. It was so lovely, they all did readings stating what their favourite memory of their time in St Aidan's was and it was really emotional. Then at the end of mass Mrs Leslie (head teacher) presented them all with a dvd which was played and a certificate of achievement. The dvd is amazing me and Cerrie were bleating our eyes out. It was pictures of the whole year 4 pupils throughout their time and they played Miley Cyrus - The Climb over it which made it even more tear jerking. To top it all off a few of the kids started crying as they didn't want to leave. Needless to say Leesco didn't not a single drop. Not a tear. Hard git that she is. Lol!
So today is her last day in little school, I have to say it has been a fantastic school and I think Elise will miss it, however I know she is ready for the next challenge as she is not pushing herself. Hmmm, god I sound like my mam and dad. So now comes seven weeks of jealousy of Dave and Elise being off, bah it's a hard life.
Went over to Cerrie and Mickey's last night just had a quiet night but stayed up late and watched a few episodes of Sex in the City, the old ones, it's fab.
Dave's off to Wooler today after picking Leesco up from school as she finishes half day. He's going to let the piano removal men into his granpa's house as my cousin Leanne is going to have it. Dave used to teach Leanne when she was little (bizarre I know) and he really didn't want his mam to get rid of the piano and we already have one so I asked Leanne if she would like it and she said yes so I think Dave's really pleased that it's not going too far away, keep it in the family and all.
Get weighed today at 1 bell, not too hopefull after last weeks small amount and I was a bit naughty on the alcohol front last weekend but we shall see. At the end of the day I need to keep thinking I would have had that plus lots of food too so I suppose it's a positive regardless.
Going to Ladies day tomorrow, very last minute thing but going with a few girls from work so really looking forward to it. Clare (friend from work) is taking the car so it's ideal not having to worry about getting lifts etc. We're just going in the cheap end this day as we paid £40 for tickets last year and there was no bloody difference so £20 this year, that will do us. :0)
Just back from being weighed and have lost another 3lbs woo hoo. So that's 37lbs in total. Yippee x