Well it's only 51 days until Christmas so need to get my but into gear and get back on track. Went and got weighed last Friday and it wasn't the best news in the world but to be fair I can't expect much else as all we seem have done since my birthday is gone out and ate and drink. Had loads of fun doing it though :o)
Edinburgh was fabulous, as usual we had a great time, it was a hoot and we really hit on with the weather as it was lovely.
Went to Staffordshire last week to visit Dave's mam which was really nice. We stayed in a lovely hotel for two nights. On the Wednesday we went to Trentham Gardens and Monkey forest which was amazing, the monkeys were so cute. Elise had an absolutely great time. It is such a lovely part of the country and fab shops ha ha.
So need to get back down to business on the diet front. I'm back on Sole source and am trying hard to up my water intake as I know I feel better the more water I drink. Days 1 - 3 are pooh. Don't know why I don't just bloody stick to it once I'm in ketosis then I wouldn't need to keep going through this awful part but hey ho suppose I'm only human. I have a few hurdles to get over before Christmas which is going to be difficult, first one is Bonfire night this Friday as we're having a party at Jugsy's house. Then on the 5 December we're going back to Edinburgh for the weekend, I need to tell myself I have been to Eddy before whilst being on SS therefore I can do it again.. The next one is the 12 December when I am going out for Christmas do with girls from work. We are going to Gusto's on the Quayside which could prove difficult. But one day at a time me thinks.
Work now has a gym which I am intending on using once I get over my first week so there is really no excuse as I can do this in my lunch hour. Nice Mind.
Elise is happy as larry at the minute, she's starting to look forward to Christmas. She doesn't know really what she wants for Christmas though so she needs to get her thinking cap on so we can send her letter to Santy. (Think we might just get away with another year). She has mentioned an X Box so we have gotten her one of them and I think we are going to get her rock band and lips. This will be her main pressie though and she won't be getting a lot else. Marma asked her the other day what she wanted off her and she said "I don't think I need anything this year granny" ha ha. Bless her.
She's loving middle school and seems to be doing really well. She just comes in and gets on with her homework I'm pleased to say so we haven't had any issues there YET!!
Anyhoo going to try and keep blogging to keep myself on the straight and narrow hopefully.
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