Been super busy the last few weeks and been pretty crap on the diet front too. Oops. Going back on Friday to see what the damage is but back on track again so should be able to repair some of it before then.
Since last blogging sadly my Grandma Mary died, bless her, she has been in a care home for a while and to be honest she had no quality of life as she had alzheimers. We had the funeral last week but the ashes were buried this morning. Very sad but best for grandma.
Elise has settled in great at school and still seems to be enjoying it. Went to Mal Maison on Friday night for Louise's 40th. Had a fab time and hotel was gorgeous.
Went back to uni a week past Wednesday and that was fine, got two big assignments to do, one a work based one and the other a finance report bah, not nice mind.
Going to Edinburgh this weekend to see Holly and Nev so really looking forward to that. Elise is away all weekend as she is going to Thomas world with her cousin and aunty from her dads side.
Think the three of us are going to go and see Dave's mam in the half term holidays which are coming up which will be nice as don't think we are going to get away abroad now what with one thing and another so think we will just have some weekends away.
M x